Chapter 10: Power Bands & Tenkai Bricks

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Nobody's POV

Bravenwolf stared at Ceylan before making his way downstairs. The pup wondered the place for a bit before deciding to go back to Ceylan upstairs.

"I got it!" Ceylan's voice yelled from his room.

The pup ran straight toward the room. Ceylan looked at the pup and smiled.

"I get almost everything now," he said to Bravenwolf as he scratched the pup's back.

The puppy barked happily in reply.

"I think it's better that we redo what happened so I can understand," Ceylan said.

He quickly scanned the notebook, then grabbed Guren's brick and stood up from his chair.

"Let's go outside 1st, I don't want the house to catch fire," Ceylan said.

Both the boy and the pup headed outside. Ceylan opened the notebook getting ready to explain this to the small pup.

"Okay according to these 'hints' the way to help the person in this case Guren is to find a 'key' of some sort, however the 'key' won't be found so easily, and from what Orangor told me, small things are key. And our bricks are keys to Quarton, but not only that. It's also the reason you suddenly transformed, it was your key too in someway," Ceylan said to the pup.

The pup nodded its fluffy red head in understanding, but gave a small whimper as to say, 'So what does that mean?'

"Come here and I'll show you what I mean," Ceylan sighed.

The small pup walked over to Ceylan slowly.

"Wait a minute, I forgot to ask if you have any kind of 'band' on you, like the one you had on your arm earlier," Ceylan said.

The pup thought on that for a minute, he then felt a round thing around his neck, it must've been hidden in all the fur on his chest all this time. In response Brave tried scratching his neck.

" got fleas or something?" Ceylan said.

Brave furiously shook his head no, and tried to tell Ceylan again.

"I don't get it," Ceylan sighed.

Brave growled before something surprising happened.

'My neck it's on my neck, don't you get it?!' a thought rang through Ceylan's head.

"What was that?" Ceylan questioned as he turned his head to look for the source.

'Funny, I don't see anything,' the voice came again.

"I must have finally lost it," Ceylan muttered.

'Ugh, great,' the voice said, 'Anyways, how do I get him to see what I'm trying to say.'

Ceylan looked towards Brave, the pup was laying down on the floor, it looked in deep thought.

'Can it be possible?' Ceylan thought, 'No, no, it can't be...'

'Can it be what now?' the voice asked.

Ceylan decided to check his theory.

'Umm...Brave?' he thought.

The pup barked in reply.

"Whoa," Ceylan muttered, he was amazed by what was happening, "Anyways, the neck right?"

The pup nodded his head and scratched his neck again.

"Okay I get it," Ceylan muttered as he searched through the sea of red fur.

Finally he found a small collar with a rectangular square gap in it. Ceylan placed the small brick into the gap. Then he immediately backed away from Bravenwolf as small flames ignited from the collar. Flames like before emerged and engulfed the small pup. And the boy from before emerged from the flames. However, this time Ceylan realized that a gold wolf emblem was imprinted on Brave's red shirt and a golden wolf pin on his scarf. His eyes were also different, they were oxyn rather than a deep violet like Guren's. Yet the boy had the same figures and hair.

"Well that worked," Ceylan muttered.

"So, now what?" Brave asked examining his form since he didn't get to do so last time, "Wow this is how I look huh?"

"Yeah…" Ceylan said.

"So what did this?" Brave asked.

"The brick…" Ceylan muttered.

"Wow, this is so cool!" Brave yelled, "I'm like you and the others now."

"Except for the wolf ears and tail," Ceylan laughed.

"Oh whatever, it won't bother anyone!" the boy said.

"How do you look like Guren and barley have any common sense," Ceylan muttered.

"I can hear you!" Brave growled.

"Oh yeah with those wolf ears of yours," Ceylan muttered.

"Yeah whatever," Brave sighed, "Okay so how does this help your friend?"

"That I'm not sure of yet," Ceylan sighed, "But I know it's connected somehow."

"So you're gonna keep your nose in that book?" Brave asked.

"I guess, I mean it's probably the only way to help," Ceylan sighed.

"Well, have fun with that," Brave sighed.

"And what are you gonna do? You barely know anything about being human yet," Ceylan said, "Or should I say human-ish."

"Hey! It's not my fault that this is happening!" Brave said.

"I know it isn't, anyways someone is going to have to show you how everything works," Ceylan laughed.

The boy blushed and growled, "Shut up."

"I know more about this world than you do, this isn't the woods little pup," Ceylan said.

"Fine, I'll admit that," Brave sighed.

"Okay anyways I need to keep looking for an answer," Ceylan sighed.

"What about Chooki and Toxsa? Why don't you ask them for help?" Brave asked his once pointed ears flat on his head to show his concern.

"Chooki is always too busy, and Toxsa will make an excuse if I say the word 'research'," Ceylan explained.

"Oh, that makes sense," Brave said, "So what do you have so far?"

"Okay, so I already told you about the 1st bit right?" Ceylan said.

Brave nodded his head to confirm.

"Okay the rest I'll try to explain, the next few clues said something about hidden features and something called a 'Beast Band' that is hidden with the 'key'. I honestly don't know how they got that much and failed honestly. The hidden place and some kind of ritual was what messed them up," Ceylan said.

"Well, looks like your day's going to be lame," Brave said.

"At least I won't be as confused about most things," Ceylan snickered.

"Shut up," the boy growled as fire danced in his palms.

"Okay, okay, just put out the fire and I'll stop," Ceylan said.

"Fine," Brave sighed as the flames faded in the wind.

"Okay now let's both learn some things," Ceylan said crouching down to Brave's height and extending his hand to him.

"Sure!" the boy chirped as he took Ceylan's hand.

The 2 boys walked unaware that a shadowy figure was watching from a safe distance.

"You'll be mine, it's just a matter of waiting," the figure said, "Round two and I'll win this you're more rare than I thought. Enjoy your cozy life while you can animal."

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