Chapter 12: Forest Run-ins

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Nobody's POV

'Dude where are we going anyways?!' Brave barked. (Yeah, for those of you who couldn't guess a few chapters ago! Ceylan has some mysterious link with Brave that allows them to talk through their yeah. That'll obviously explained later...)

"Away from here!" Ceylan replied.

'Great plan.'

"Hey do you got anything better?!"

'Just let me flame him!'

"We already discussed this!"

The 2 continued running through the streets of the city, gaining multiple snarls and curious glances. They didn't mind, nor did they care. All that was on their mind was to run as far away from the crazed hunter as they can.



Ceylan immediately called the two, hoping they'll pick up. Yet no response came, he tried again, but yet again they didn't pick up. Ceylan sighed as he realized that they were on their own.

"Looks like we're on our own," Ceylan said.

'Well that's just great!' Brave growled.

"Maybe we'll lose him in the woods."

'Better try than running all day and at least I know where to go once we get there!'

They changed their direction and headed towards the woods.

"Whoah, wait...this place is creeper than I thought."

'So you rather get killed by a crazy man, than trying to escape him through a forest. Well nice knowing ya.'

"Fine I'll go."

They ran into the forest's entrance. The high trees covered the sunlight of the sunny day, the sound of the city was getting further and further as they went in, there was a strange mist in the once warm air bringing chills up Ceylan's back, and the eerie forest made it even more uncomfortable to the bluenette. Ceylan turned around to check if they were still being followed, and happily the guy seemed long gone.

"We can relax now, he's long gone," Ceylan announced.

'Great,' the pup sighed.

Brave collapsed on a pile of leaves that were under him. Ceylan sat down next to the pup and took a deep breath.

'I'm so tired,' Brave groaned.

"Same here, now I know how it feels to run a marathon,' Ceylan said.

Ceylan slowly began to close his eyes and drifted to a quick sleep. It was then interrupted by a scream that came from far off and it caused Brave to immediately spring up and whimper in that direction.

"What was that?" Ceylan asked.

Brave ignored Ceylan as he began to growl and slowly crawl towards the source.

"Brave?" Ceylan questioned.

The red wolf pup still ignored the confused bluenette and bounded towards the direction of the sound.

"Bravenwolf!" Ceylan yelled.

He bounded after the red pup.

"I thought the running was over!" Ceylan complained.

Bravenwolf continued to ignore Ceylan and ran faster through the damp forest. Ceylan continued to follow him. Then Brave finally stopped in front of a pool of water.

"Water? What's so important about water?" Ceylan said as he walked towards the pool.

"Oh you just don't get it's worth," a voice laughed.

Both Ceylan and Brave growled at the same time. The laughter thickened.

"Don't be that way!" the voice laughed.

Out of the shadows came a boy the same age as Ceylan. He had red-orange, shaggy hair, and crystal blue eyes. He wore an orange shirt with 3 black circles connecting with one another, a necklace with 3 arrows pointing down, a black vest, teared up jeans.

"Who are you?" Ceylan asked.

"Very funny," the boy laughed," Tributon."

"Really dude, who are you?!"

Ceylan started to back away from the strange boy who somehow knew about Tributon, and possibly Quarton. The boy stepped closer towards Ceylan.

"Oh, you don't recognize me?"

"No I don't."

"Huh...Oh I wasn't thinking straight! My bad! I've been in Beast World for so long that I forgot how to act human."

"Beast World?!"

"Yep, well let me introduce you to the real me."

The boy grinned as he leaned in closer.

"I'm Orangor, but here you can call me Chase Ross."

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