Chapter 11: A Window or a Hunter?

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 Me: I'm seeing if I should continue this new writing style, or if I should go back to my old that's that. Enjoy...


"Okay so you get it now?" Ceylan asked.

"Yeah, I guess," Brave sighed, "What's so great about it?"

"I actually don't know, but it's pretty entertaining."

"So a screen with moving pictures is great?"

"Stop asking and just try it."


"Okay try it then!"

Brave growled and snatched the controller from Ceylan and pointed it at the screen.

"Give it a few minutes and you'll love it," Ceylan said.

Then Ceylan's head began to ring, and held his head.

"You okay?" Brave asked.

"Yeah...I'm fine," Ceylan sighed.

Brave turned his attention back to the game he was forced to play. Then the sound of shattering glass broke all concentration in the room. The sound made Brave's heart leap and Ceylan's head ache even more. To both boys the sound wasn't pleasant.

"What was that?" Brave asked.

"I have no idea," Ceylan said.

"Should we check it out?"

"We should...but I have a really bad feeling about this."

Both boys got up and slowly walked towards the broken window and Ceylan slowly peaked outside. But what he saw was way worse than a broken window he'd have to explain to his parents. It was the hunter from yesterday. He was back.

"Brave, go up stairs," Ceylan muttered.

"Huh? Why?" Brave asked.

"Don't flame up but it's that guy, the guy who tried to kill you."

"What?! Let me at him then! I want to get rid of him myself!"

"Trust me I'd love to see you burn him to a crisp, but that's really mean, got it?"

"Mean?! He tried to kill me!"

"Out! Now!"

Brave whimpered and his ears dropped fast as he quickly left the room. Ceylan took a deep breath and hid something behind his back before he stepped out. He walked with caution to the hunter.

"Hey stranger, what are you doing here?" Ceylan said.

"Where is he boy?" the hunter asked.

"Where is who now?"

"Don't play games with me boy!"

"What games? I have no idea what you're talking about."

"The wolf, where is he?"

"Oh! Him, returned him to the woods."

"Oh really, because I just saw you out here with him a minute ago."

"Are you a stalker or something?"

"I know his little secret too."

That last comment left Ceylan speechless. If that were true...that'd be bad. Very bad.

"Wh-what are you talking about?"

The hunter began to laugh his head off. Ceylan honestly felt alarmed and scared, but he still didn't want to back down.

'The guy might have a gun, and he's a loon,' Ceylan thought,'Just great!'

"You're so cute, thinking that you can protect a wild, stupid, mangy animal from its fate," the hunter chuckled.

Ceylan never thought he could hate laughter, but this guy's laugh made him hate him even more. How could someone talk so calmly about death, and laugh at the thought of someone else dying? It was so inhumane. It made Ceylan even more angry thinking about it. Tick.

"Why are you still here anyways?" Ceylan asked.

"Why to collect my prey of course," the hunter laughed.


"Heh. That's funny because I own that so-called 'prey' now, and if you don't want to end up in a bad place."

"Oh really? What can a small boy do?"



Boom. At that moment Ceylan whipped out the golf club and whacked the hunter where it hurts. The hunter crumpled to the ground with a groan, Ceylan twirled the club in his hand and grinned broadly.

"I'm not so little and defenseless now am I?"

Ceylan ran back inside to get Brave out of there before the hunter could get up.

"Brave come here!" Ceylan yelled.

The boy dashed down the stairs with extreme speed.

"What is it now?" Brave asked.

"Gotta go before he get's up," Ceylan replied.

"Huh? What did you do?"

"I gave him a message, now let's go!"


Ceylan dragged the boy out the door.

"It'd be better if we don't attract attention,so take off the band," Ceylan said.

"I guess," Brave agreed.

Brave tugged the band off with great difficulty until it finally slipped of his arm. Smoke puffed all around him as he changed back into his little red puff-ball self.

"Now let's go."

The small pup barked and began to sprint, with Ceylan following after it. With the hunter tailing after them. Ceylan took one look back and snickered at the limping man.

"CATCH US IF YOU CAN!" Ceylan sang with a cocky grin.

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