Chapter 1

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Dark grey clouds occupied the skies, not letting sunlight pass through them, causing a gloomy atmosphere.

"Looks like it's gonna rain soon," said Chanyeol at which Y/N nodded. As soon as he said these words rain started pouring, the drops hitting the roof of the car. "Oh c'mon not now. Aish, seriously why does it have to rain on the day when I'm moving house?" Y/N said while pouting, making Chanyeol chuckle. "Don't worry the rain might stop soon."


The car finally stopped in front of a small house. The place was near the forest so there were very few houses. They both got out of the car and went into the house, taking with them some cartons filled with Y/N's belongings. "You should go home now Chanyeol".

"But don't you need help in arranging the furniture and other things?" He questioned, "I can manage it don't worry, besides don't you have a night shift?"

"Yes I do, fine I'll go" He sighed and took his key and shouted "Bye, take care" as he left.

She waited for the moving van to come. After a few minutes, the vans came and she started instructing the men where to put the furniture. After finishing their work she thanked them and the men left.


After arranging small things she went to her room and fell on the bed with a sigh. "Well, today was exhausting." The phone started to ring. She picked up the phone and answered it. "Hey Y/N, did you reach your new house?"

"Yes, Jisoo. It's beautiful here. Oh and thank you for helping me get the job, I really appreciate it." Y/N replied. " need to thank me. And anyways you always had a talent for photography" "Thanks. Hey, how about we meet up at a cafe tomorrow?" She asked " Sounds great. I'll pick you up, alright?"

"K" Y/N answered and then went to sleep.

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