fourteen: the idea

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Y/N's POV:

"You can't just give them to those monsters as bait! They aren't a fucking sacrifice, Gally."

I could hear people talking, they weren't exactly near me, but I could hear every word they were saying. And I knew exactly who was saying it.

My eyes were still latched shut as I rolled onto my side, still in a dazed mess. It was the early morning as I could see the bright light through my eyelids, blinding me even with my eyes firmly closed.

"What other choice is there, Newt? This Glade is falling apart, and I believe it's because of them." I heard Gally and Newt continue to bicker, as I finally managed to open my eyes.

I sat up, looking around to see Teresa and Thomas still asleep. They were huddled together in an almost hugging type position. If the thought of it didn't make me want to vomit, I'd actually say they looked sweet together.

It was obvious from the beginning that Thomas looked at her in the way that more than a friend did.

"No one is going to go for this 'so called plan', Gally." My head turned as I furrowed my brows, that voice didn't belong to Newt.

I stood up slowly and approached the barred entrance. Really if I wanted to, I could easily escape. But at this point, I don't exactly know what that would accomplish.

I rested my hands on the bars and looked out into the field to quickly find my eyes resting on four figures in the distance. Gally, Newt, Minho and Chuck did not appear to being having a pleasant conversation.

"Oh, is that so? I don't know about you but I've got a lot of the others to agree with me and who also believe I should start running things from now on." He said, as he crossed his arms in front of his chest in triumph.

I scoffed loudly as all four of their heads bolted in my direction. "Is that so? What did you do, threaten them?" I said, narrowing my eyes at the boy. Chuck hurried over to the pit as his previous expression was switched with a large grin.

"Hey! You're awake!" He said, sitting down next to the door so I could see him clearly.

Once Chuck was sat down, the others followed behind him, smiling at me fondly. "Morning, she-bean." Minho knelt in front of the bars with a smirk before turning back to Gally.

"When's she allowed out then?" Newt asked, keeping his arms crossed over his chest as he turned to face Gally.

The boy rolled his eyes as he remained silent. He glared at me for a few seconds before leaving abruptly.

"Well, he's in a mood." I exclaimed, slightly confused as to why he seemed just as angry as yesterday. I kind of assumed that resting would maybe calm him down a bit, but my theory was proven wrong.

Chuck giggled at my comment before looking over at Teresa beginning to stir in her sleep. Almost as if she was on the verge of waking up. And that she was.

Her eyes lifted open slowly as she picked her head off of the wall. She looked dazed and still half asleep as she looked down and saw that Thomas was still passed out, resting in her lap. Her eyes glistened at the sight before she caught us all looking at her.

"Morning." Chuck said with a smile as she turned the corner of her lips up at him. She began stroking Thomas' hair out of his face, and just as he did so, his eyes fluttered open also.

"Hey. Are you okay?" She asked, looking deeply into his eyes before he quickly sat up. He looked so confused as I forgot he wouldn't remember anything after injecting himself.

𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐫 {𝐧𝐞𝐰𝐭 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫}Where stories live. Discover now