fifty four: the suffering we aren't aware of

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I had awoken slightly sore, but still with a small smile.

Around my waist, I had found his arms, wound tightly around me. I made no effort to move, or to get up and start the day – instead, I found solace in the fact I was laying on the ground, next to the blonde.

He stirred slightly, and I took that as my invitation to roll over and face him. He was dozing, light breaths of air falling from his mouth every couple of seconds.

Newt looked peaceful. He looked beautiful, actually.

I was wearing his t-shirt and some black underwear, and even though I thought I'd be cold, I was actually very warm. Wrapped up in his arms brought such comfort that I could die here right now and I wouldn't complain. I wouldn't even lift a finger to prevent it from happening.

Instead, I'd take the opportunity to look at him one more time – take in the curves of his face, the colour of his eyes, and the shape of his nose. I would take it all in and imprint it in my mind, just so I could have someone familiar to think about for the last few seconds I'd be alive.

And I would be okay with that. It sounds strangely nice.

The sky was a nice blue, and there were a few white clouds dotted here and there. There was little to no noise coming from the camp – it must be early.

Usually, people are awake from about 6am, but after the couple of days we've had, I'd understand why everyone's decided to sleep in.

Most of the time, it's Thomas that's up and about from dawn, ready to train and fight for his friend's safe return. But even now, I couldn't hear his annoying whines or his direct orders to other people around the camp.

That was definitely odd.

I sat up much faster than I thought I had, and in doing so, woke Newt from beside me.

"Hey, hey, are you okay?"

The blonde was still quite obviously tired, as his eyes were still half closed and he looked rather forlorn. I smiled internally.

"Yes- yes I'm fine. Are you?"

Newt rubbed his eyes, and looked back up at me. "I'm great, love." His smile radiated around his entire face, making him look almost completely awake again.

I moved my eye line to the floor, wondering where I had misplaced my trousers.

"Do you know what time it is? I can't hear anyone, so it must be early." I said, and Newt gave me one last cheeky smile before flicking his wrist over to check his watch.

Where the fuck are my trousers?

"It's only just gone 5am - I'm surprised you're even up. I mean, I know you're an early bird, but I never thought you were this early."

I stuck my tongue out at the boy, which he reciprocated. "I know, I just woke up for some reason."

Newt looked slightly concerned for a second, before he sat up properly to face me.

"It doesn't have anything to do with what happened last night, does it?"

My mind immediately wandered back to last nights' events – I'm shocked it didn't make me sleep longer to be honest.

I shook my head. "No, no of course not. I enjoyed myself."

Newt visibly relaxed. "Me too."

And then he was up on his feet, throwing on his trousers and lacing up his shoes.

𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐫 {𝐧𝐞𝐰𝐭 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫}Where stories live. Discover now