fifty one: the woman with the beautiful skin

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Y/N's POV:

"I thought you weren't leaving for another three days?!"

I couldn't look at him for some reason; I just kept my eyes forward as I packed my bag.

"I thought I at least had a couple more days?"

Just pack. Don't react. Shirts, socks, bras-


I stopped short, a pair of jeans in one hand and a knife in the other. Newt stood behind me, resting against a pole as he shouted at me from across the quarters. He was upset, confused - mostly upset -and also a little bit angry.

What I didn't realise though – which I'm usually very on top of – is how close he had gotten since this conversation had started. 

"I don't want you to leave."

I turned slowly, catching his rather saddened eyes as I looked up at him. "It's only for a few days. It's the exact same plan as it always has been. Nothing has changed."

His eyes stayed the exact same amount of sad, making me divert my gaze to the floor.

I had to go – I don't have a choice. Minho needs us, and if I can be any help in getting him back, I'm fucking doing it.

"I thought I had more time." He said quietly, reaching his hands up to find mine and intertwine them.

I broke away, turning back to the suitcase I was only half-done packing. "I'm not dying. I will be back; you know I would never leave."

You have to know I would never leave you, right?

"Then why are you?" He asked desperately, moving forward again to touch my arm. "Stay – if you really don't want to go, no one should be allowed to make you."

I sighed.

"You know it's not that simple, Newt."

He took an even bigger step closer, taking my shoulders in his hands to spin me around.

"You clearly don't want to go, love. And it seems to be no surprise that I don't want you to go either."

I pushed my lips into a thin line. He was right; I don't want to go. But this isn't about me – this isn't even about him. It's about doing what I should have done a long time ago; fought for the right side.

And going on this trip does that.

"Hey, Y/n, you almost done?" Thomas' voice sounded from outside the quarters as he called in, suitcase in hand and a pair of car keys on his belt.

I responded quickly. "Yeah, I'll be right there."

He nodded curtly, before heading back off in the direction of where the truck is parked.

I felt Newt's fingers grip ever so slightly tighter in the fabric of my shirt.

"I have to go."

Newt exhaled thoroughly, before straightening up his posture. "What if you don't come back?"

My heart warmed and I felt like giving the blonde the biggest hug ever. But instead, I settled on something much sweeter.

Standing on the tips of my shoes, I reached up and placed a very slow and soft kiss on his lips, before pulling back and smiling.

"I would have thought by now you would know me well enough to know that I'm not letting some fucker kill me. I'm growing old with you still on my back about safety and making sure I don't do anything stupid, okay?"

𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐫 {𝐧𝐞𝐰𝐭 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫}Where stories live. Discover now