forty five: the new job opportunity

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The next morning, I couldn't find him anywhere. I had woken up alone, just as I had expected but nevertheless hoped wouldn't happen, and had gone to find him.

He wasn't in the sleeping quarters, and he hadn't gone to the café for breakfast, so where the fuck is he? Newt never starts work this early, so finding him there would be surprising, and what was even scarier was that not even Thomas and Frypan knew where he was.

"Nah sorry, haven't seen him since yesterday lunch time, he seemed more preoccupied with someone else to even talk to his beloved friends." Frypan explained sarcastically, a massive grin spreading its way over his face.

"Actually, we figured you'd know where he is, considering he has barely left your side these last couple of days." Thomas said, as he continued to pull carrots from the ground and brush them off to remove the large pieces of dirt. "Yeah, what is going on with you two anyway? The boy seemed rather smitten, don't ya think?" Frypan asked as he nudged my arm playfully.

I decided to completely skip over his question, mostly because answering it sounded basically impossible at this current time, and hoped they wouldn't circle back to it any time soon. "So, you have absolutely no idea where he is?" I asked, as I began to worry about him much more than I already was.

Frypan was right, Newt had barely left my side since yesterday morning; he even waited outside for me when I showered - so not being able to find him at all today is really not sitting well with me.

"No, once we're on break though we can help you look for him, although I'm not sure why you're so desperate to find him, he's a big boy he can take care-"

And that's when I noticed him. I completely zoned out of what Fry was saying, and instead I kept my eyes locked on the boy with blonde hair. He was standing outside the council room with one of the nurses, his body turned completely towards the man as he kept his hands lodged deep into his pockets.

He looked very relaxed, making my confusion and anger merge and bubble over. Fry yelled over my shoulder as I began to advance forwards, "Y/n! Don't forget, dinner party on the beach at nine! Dress nice!"

I ignored his yells as I began to pick up pace and strutted towards the two figures. The nurse noticed me before Newt did, locking eyes with me and nodding his head at the blonde before he turned and left in the opposite direction.

As I reached where Newt stood, he still hadn't turned around to face me, as I watched him tense up slightly at my presence. I cleared my throat behind him to make him look at me, but instead he kept his hands in his pockets, speaking before I even got to. "Er, sorry, I've got to head off, talk to you later." He said hurriedly, speeding off just as I was about to reach out and grab his arm.

What the fuck?

While the concern still surfaced, anger was quickly becoming the dominant emotion as I watched him scurry away quickly, still not removing his hands from his pockets.

My fists balled and it took all my strength not to run after him and tackle him to the ground, yelling at him that I don't know if I can handle another bout of him avoiding me, even if the reason is justified.

He didn't seem angry though, maybe he was just busy?

I was so anger stricken that I didn't even hear the footsteps coming up behind me.

"I can literally feel the heat radiating off you from here, hermana."

Jorge. Fucking Jorge.

I dropped my shoulders slightly, relieved that it was just his voice and no one else's. And then I turned, my eyes meeting both Jorge's and Brenda's.

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