thirty seven: the one who decides if you get to stay

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Y/N's POV:

Turns out, Bertha was a truck. A large one, at that.

As we sped along deserted roads and sandy highways, the only thing that occupied my mind was the possibility that Jorge would tell the others about what happened three years ago.

It wasn't as if he owed me a favour, if anything, it was the total opposite. Sadly enough, I think it would be decently well deserved if he told them just to spite me. But that didn't seem to be his plan, as he drove us up to the location Marcus had given us.

We had left the man battered and struggling to walk, but he seemed to be in good hands; or at least that's what Jorge had said before he launched himself into the car and didn't look back.

But finally, after maybe about ninety minutes or so of driving, we came to somewhere that sounded like what Marcus had described.

The road was filled with deserted cars that blocked our way, so Jorge pulled the truck to a stop as we all got out. "Well, I guess we're on foot." He said exasperatingly. It wasn't really ideal, but we didn't have any other option.

The others began to venture forwards, as Thomas and Jorge inspected the other vehicles around us. It all felt very calm, almost too calm.

And just as I felt Newt's presence behind me, a bullet whipped past my head, merely missing me. Newt noticed at once, as he pulled me down so fast, I thought I'd topple over into him, but he kept me steady as he positioned us safely behind a car.

"Get down!" "Take cover!"

Numerous other bullets flew through the air, this time none of them near me as the others began to pick up on the situation and hide also.

After a second of the only noise being heavy breathing, the bullets stopped, and I could hear things slightly clearer again. The shot was so close to my ear, it made a ringing appear in its place, temporarily impairing my hearing.

But after a long pause, the shooting completely stopped, as Thomas very slowly peered over to see what was going on. "Hey, is everyone okay out there?" He asked, as a few others absentmindedly responded 'fine'.

"That bloody son of a bitch, Marcus. He led us into an ambush." Jorge spat, his rage threatening to spill over again. Newt yelled over to them as he held me close to him, practically shielding me with his body. "What do we do?"

Jorge turned to Thomas as he reached into his pocket. He pulled out a grenade.

"Here. Hold this. We gotta create a diversion." He said, as Thomas looked totally uncomfortable at the idea of holding an explosive, however, took it and held it firmly in his hand. "Everybody! Get ready to sprint back to the truck! And hold your ears!" He yelled over so everyone could hear, as most nodded their heads in agreement.

But just as he began to count down, a girl appeared out of nowhere with a very large shotgun. "Drop it." She said, raising it to point the barrel towards Jorge, as a blonde girl appeared behind her, also holding a shotgun, which she pointed at Thomas.

Whatever this was, it wasn't good.

"Now!" She yelled, as finally Thomas let his hand slip for the grenade to delicately fall to the floor. "On your feet. Let's go." She spat, as they ushered us into a huddle.

"You two over here, now!" The blonde yelled at me and Newt, as I shot her a glare and grudgingly walked over to where the others were being held at gun point. As we had all made it towards them, and finally everyone was in sight, one of them shrieked, "Aris?"

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