fifty three: the hope that always lets you down

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"That seriously happened all when I was asleep?"

Vince had been laughed so hard I thought he might start crying. I figured it to be rather funny also, watching Thomas' face morph into disbelief when we told him he had been absolutely no help and we had solved it all on our own.

With lots of help from Ophelia, that is.

She immediately barked at Jax when he called her that, and he just raised his hands up in his defence and continued on with mapping coordinates.

So far, we had been rather successful with finding Wicked's next destination – all that was left was what railway lines they would use.

Lia had estimated to which ones and what turns they would take, meaning the only problem remaining was where they would begin.

Jax was almost completely certain they would have moved somewhere else by now, as the kids they stole were just too important for some gang to steal back. That gang being us, of course.

But our plan was only really to get Minho, Sonya and Eris back – we haven't even discussed the possibility of rescuing the other kidnappees. At one point about a fortnight ago, Thomas broached the subject in a council meeting and was instantly shot down as Vince deemed the idea as 'not our current issue.'

I think Vince does want to help; he just has priorities. Those priorities being a couple kids he doesn't hate and then we're back on track to living a peaceful life on a beach front somewhere.

I, on the other hand, just wanted to get back to camp. It isn't my job to think months ahead – that's Vince's problem.

And I felt lucky for that as I sat around a blazing fire, bottle of red wine in one hand and a pair of sunglasses resting dangerously close to the tip of my nose.

The group had disbanded for the night as Alek and Lia were tired, and Jax had other things he had to sort out. I have no idea what they are, and I also don't care.

Once Vince had finally taken control of his giggles, he spoke.

"Seriously Thomas, you should have been conscious. Lia was insane."

Vince leaned forward slightly to swipe the bottle from my hand and take a swig. "Like, seriously, she is the only reason we are in the position we're in right now. Her brain is amazing."

Nodding my head, I grabbed the bottle back and took a sip. "Yeah, agreed. I've never seen anyone work so fast with such little information."

Thomas huffed and took a glug from his own bottle of white wine – personally, I'm not a pinot grigio fan.

"Why did neither of you wake me?"

Vince coughed up a laugh and swallowed his mouthful. "Because it was fucking funny, that's why."

Thomas rolled his eyes and lightly hit Vince round the back of the head.

"I hate you both."


I despise Vince for giving us wine last night, I despise Thomas for agreeing to it, but most of all, I really despise this headache that hasn't gone away yet.

It's really a pain in the ass.

And it was making concentrating on what Lia was saying all the more difficult.

"-If we follow the tracks, it will eventually lead off into a region that Wicked could be currently residing in. From there we should be able to locate their starting point and also where they plan on going."

𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐫 {𝐧𝐞𝐰𝐭 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫}Where stories live. Discover now