thirty nine: the kidnapping of our own

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We ran over the hill, hand in hand as Newt pulled me with him after seeing the others huddled around a large truck. Fire filled the land, helicopters starting to land on the grass one by one.

And that's when it hit me.

Soldiers armed with large guns dove out of their vehicles, aiming at anyone around and shooting at them blindly.

I recognised the soldiers, the vehicles, the guns.

It was Wicked.

Their bullets that weren't actually bullets at all, their completely black uniform that concealed even their face, and their totally inconspicuous helicopters that seemed to fly much quicker than you'd think. All of it screamed Wicked, and even though I wished I was wrong, I knew it was them.

"Vince!" Newt yelled as finally we reached the others, ducking out of the way of the incoming shots flying overhead. "What's going on?" Even around the others, Newt still didn't let go of my hand, if anything, he held it tighter, as if just that simple act was going to keep me safe.

"They're here!" Vince yelled back, as he stood firmly in his truck, bending down to scramble around on the floor. Frypan and Minho stayed close to Newt and me, while we all continuously dodged bullets aimed right at us.

I looked over in the panic to watch Vince as I realised what he was doing. He was putting ammunition in a machine gun, but was failing miserably. In the meantime, he grabbed two shot guns from the floor and turned to look back at us.

Everything was so loud, but I could still hear my heart beating rapidly out of my chest, and I was sure that everyone else could hear it too. Vince barely even thought about it before he shoved the gun in my hand, yelling over the noise, "Here! You know how to use this!"

Do I?

Finally, I had to let go of Newt's hand, as the others turned to me in confusion. Vince kept the other gun for himself, as he began shooting into the crowd of Wicked soldiers.

I didn't even have time to think before I cocked what I immediately realised was the fore-end, aimed the gun while the stock was safely secured under my arm, and fired. And surprisingly, I didn't miss.

I hit a Wicked soldier square in the chest, if not killing, then wounding entirely as they flew backwards. I didn't even have a second to feel sorry about it as Frypan yelled, "Y/N! Another one, two o'clock!"

I moved instantly, turning my body whatever degrees I thought was correct and immediately firing, again, hitting the target nearer to the neck, causing them to stumble and fall down into a heap.

And that's how it continued, with Newt, Minho and Frypan all barking positions of guards and me turning and firing.

After a few minutes, Vince handed the others a shotgun also, as we all crouched down and shot at the guards, rarely missing.

I was shocked by how on target my shots were, as were the others - they would often look over at me dumbfounded at how I hadn't missed. But I kept going. And didn't stop, that was, until my bullets ran out.

"Shit! I'm out!" I yelled, as the others were still shooting into the distance. I watched as Minho tried to shoot at the three guards approaching, hitting one in the shoulder, making the other two retreat slightly.

And I thought we'd be okay, as we were holding them off pretty well, but then the worst possible thing happened.

One of the soldiers that Minho had previously been able to hold off hid behind a large rock, concealing their body as they threw something luminous towards us.

𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐫 {𝐧𝐞𝐰𝐭 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫}Where stories live. Discover now