forty seven: the moon-lit dinner

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Y/N's POV:

With Newt's fingers laced with mine, I led him to the sand where Frypan had told us all to meet, and just at the sight of the scene before me, I stopped in my tracks.

It was absolutely stunning. The long dark oak table covered in a chic cloth that had been folded at the edges, the canopy that sat around it, covered in flowers and silk material, and the many people who filled the chairs in smarter clothes and happy faces. It was difficult to believe that this was actually in front of me.

"Ah! Newt, Y/n, I'm so glad you two could make it." Fry exclaimed in the jolliest voice I think I've ever heard. His eyes quickly diverted to our conjoined hands, looking up and giving Newt a coy smirk that made me blush slightly and turn to look at the boy next to me.

Newt tilted his head and rolled his eyes at Fry, making me turn back as I tried to stifle a laugh, while Frypan clamped his hands together. "Right! Well, I have saved seats for you both, don't worry."

I nod at the boy before venturing forwards, and if I had looked behind me for just a second, I would have noticed Fry winking at Newt in an extremely playful manner.

We approached the table together, still discreetly hand in hand as we made it over to the two chairs that sat side by side opposite Thomas and Brenda.

Thomas wore a light blue shirt with a jacket and smarter trousers, and Brenda sported a yellow blouse and cute fitted leggings. They both shocked me with polite smiles as I sat down, Newt right by my side.

Vince sat at the end of the table, drinking from a chipped wine glass, and as he noticed our presence, quickly swallowed the remainder of the drink and slammed it down onto the table. "Ah! Just the girl I was looking for!" He said with a large smile.

I don't think I have ever felt so welcomed and uncomfortable at the same time.

I plonked myself down across from Thomas, as Newt sat to my right across from Brenda and only then did he slowly let go of my hand.

The warmth I had been receiving was already missed so dearly, but instead he did something I wasn't expecting. He placed his left hand onto my thigh, and immediately the warmth returned.

"Well, I'm here." I said, smiling slightly back at Vince as Fry began pouring water into the wine glasses in front of Newt and me.

"I was going to ask before, but I couldn't find you. How did the training session go?"

A small smile crept onto my face as I thought back to the session I had with Thomas a few hours prior. He was very determined – I'll give him that. We started with hand-to-hand combat, where it seemed he had the most potential, however, he made extremely predictable moves that I easily knew how to fight against.

Although, it wasn't really a fair fight.

He would only throw punches after I told him I wasn't afraid of him clocking me in the face, and after a lot of convincing, he finally decided to put up a better fight. He had a fair punch by the looks of it, but I wouldn't really know as he didn't hit me once and I was effortlessly able to knock him to the floor every other second.

I wasn't lying when I said I wasn't going to be nice. If I'm lenient and go easy on him, he won't learn.

"I think for a first try it went alright." I replied smoothly, taking a small sip from my drink as I did so.

Thomas scoffed slightly at my response, prompting Fry to speak up from the other side of the table as he laid bread rolls down onto a nearby plate. "What are you lot on about training sessions?"

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