forty one: the forgiving

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It took roughly about three hours to get to the safe haven, while I shared a truck with Frypan, Thomas, Vince and Harriet. The drive didn't feel that long, as people seemed to be a lot less tense around me and would ask questions and make jokes, even though it probably wasn't the time for laughter.

I felt a weight lifted from my chest, and I struggled my way through a strange apology to them all about how I hadn't told them - during which Frypan had insisted that it was okay and that I was completely forgiven.

I believed him entirely, that everyone had forgiven me and realised that my past self isn't who I am now, but the one person who still won't speak to me is the only person I actually care about.

Newt hasn't spoken to me since that morning in the Right Arm, and I thought it all would be okay once we headed off, but he made his point to instead share a car with Jorge and Brenda, and then barely glance my way once we arrived.

I get it, he's angry. I would be too, but I didn't think it would take this long to forgive.

Everyone else had already started to tolerate the idea of having an ex Wicked member on their side, but for whatever reason, Newt still didn't seem to be okay with it.

Even as Vince showed us our sleeping quarters, girls to the left of the room, boys to the right, Newt still didn't look at me even as he brushed right past me to get to his hammock.

And here I was, the first night in our new hideout, and the one person I want to talk to most is ignoring me.

It's almost as if he has forgotten about what happened immediately before Wicked invaded. I know I haven't.

And that's all I can think of as I lay on my back in a thin hammock, staring up at the ceiling, waiting for sleep to take me as its victim. But it never did. So, instead, I swung my legs off the side, put my shoes on and trudged out of the area everyone else seemed to be sleeping so peacefully in.

Even Brenda, who you'd think would be in more pain than anyone, with her crank bites and all, was sound asleep and snoring very slightly.

I sighed at the thought of it as I made my way out into the open air. I breathed in heavily, taking the fresh oxygen into my lungs as I slowly exhaled out. It was very dark outside, but small torches and candles illuminated the paths enough so I could see my surroundings.

I wasn't really sure where to go, so I headed to the place Vince had claimed would be where we would eat, as I knew there would be chairs there that I could sit in.

It didn't take long to reach, turning a corner to see a slightly whittled away building that resembled some sort of café. I didn't really care how broken down it was inside, I just wanted some time away from the others, especially one person in particular, as even though I couldn't see him, I could feel his presence from the other side of the room.

I pushed open the door that I knew would be unlocked because, why wouldn't it, and stepped inside. It was unbearably dark, as I fiddled about in the darkness to find a light switch.

Eventually I found one hidden away on the side of the wall, and I flicked it on while I turned myself back around to face the empty room.

And that's when I realised, I wasn't as alone as I had previously thought.

"Didn't think I'd see you here, hermana."

I froze slightly, mostly out of shock from seeing Jorge sit alone in the dark in the middle of the night. But then I furrowed my brows and moved further into the room. "What are you doing here?" I asked, curiously.

A small smirk rested on his lips as he leaned forward in his chair. "I could ask you the same question." Once he finished speaking, he slumped back against the seat he was in with his arms crossed tightly over his chest.

I rolled my eyes shortly before turning back to the man, and seating myself in the chair opposite him. "I couldn't sleep." I replied softly, and for once, it was the truth.

He pushed his lips into a thin line, before sighing slightly, "Me neither." I nodded ever so slightly in response, as a very short burst of silence filled the space.

"I'm glad you're here actually. I wanted to apologise." My head shot up to look at him, expecting a large grin to be plastered over his face as I thought he must be joking, but he wasn't. I think this is the most serious I've ever seen him.

"When I hurt you before, I knew it wasn't really right, but I did it anyway because I was angry," He adverted his gaze from mine, while he began fiddling with his hands under the table. "And I am genuinely sorry, as I realise now that everything you did probably wasn't what you wanted, and that you were actually forced into it all because you knew how to hold your own." I stared at him blankly, there is no way I'm hearing him correctly.

"So, I'm sorry for hurting you, and if it makes you feel any better, he's not speaking to me either."

Now, that really caught my attention, as my face dropped and I stared back at him in shock. Finally, his serious demeanour switched back to his previous light mood as he continued. "What, you thought we didn't notice? Pretty cold how he's acting eh?"

My mouth must have flown open as I struggled to find my words to respond.

He's talking about Newt.

"Look, the kid's torn. He'll come around eventually." He said carefully, as he began to rise from his seat. He moved forward, but stopped next to me before saying, "I don't think he's actually angry, I just think he's upset. Can't relate though, the only reason he looks at me is to shoot angry glares."

Jorge turned to move past me, but I swiveled in my chair to catch him before he leaves. "He does that?" I asked, slightly surprised as he doesn't usually act like that around anyone. He hasn't even done that to me.

"Yeah, has ever since we had that little encounter. That's how I know he won't be mad for long. Just wait." He said quietly, a large grin on his face before he turned around and headed out the door.

I blinked several times, trying to figure out if that actually just happened.

Just wait.

Although what he said made sense, the only thing I could think of was that I really didn't want to. 


A/N: newt sulking is hilarious. 

and ik ik we've had a couple chapters without him, i miss him too don't worry. but, he'll be back, i swear <3

also, i'm sorry this chapter is so short - for all the long chap lovers out there, they will make a reappearance, i promise. 

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