forty: the explanation

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The sun rose slowly over the hills, making it easier for the few that made it out okay to gather the remaining resources that weren't destroyed. Sadness filled every corner of the camp, while most mourned the death and capture of loved ones.

Including Minho.

He had been taken, as had Aris and Sonya. And we didn't know if they were okay.

But no one said anything, as we collected our belongings and gathered them into a centered makeshift seating area. Newt would barely even look at me, and I think that was what hurt more than anything.

I knew he was angry at me, betrayed, and I didn't blame him. I'd feel the same.

I sat myself down on a nearby rock, watching as the others packed their things into large rucksacks. I had already crammed all my belongings into a bag, which didn't take long as I had basically nothing besides some clothes and a water bottle.

Thomas was shuffling his feet carefully, rubbing his chin as if he was pondering his next actions, and in a swift motion, picked up a nearby pistol and turned to point it at me.

At this point, I couldn't even count the number of times I've been held at gunpoint.

"Talk." He demanded, as he raised his arm to point the gun at me. The others began to notice as, for the first time in about two hours, I heard Newt speak. "Tommy, put the bloody gun down."

But the boy ignored him, as he stared angrily at me, again ignoring Vince's words, "Thomas, this is definitely one of the stupidest things you could ever do. Just give me the gun." He said, holding out his arm out to take the weapon from the boy.

I could see that Thomas was fighting with himself whether to listen or to ignore the man and continue, but eventually, he gave in and grudgingly handed Vince the gun. The man took it swiftly and put it in the holster on his back, but turned back to me quickly before saying, "I agree with Thomas. You need to explain yourself."


"What do you want me to say?" I asked blankly, not really in the mood for this painful conversation with an annoyingly large audience. I could feel everyone's eyes on me from all directions, but I kept my eye line securely on Vince.

My entire body was exhausted, and while I really didn't want to talk to them all about this now, I was still desperate to tell them my very short side of the story.

But it wasn't Vince who spoke, as a voice next to me sounded instead. "Tell us everything. Everything you've lied about." The voice belonged to Newt. I turned to him quickly, realising in the moment that this is the first time he's spoken to me since yesterday.

I nodded slowly, indicating that I would answer any questions they gave me; and they had a lot of them. Jorge spoke first, as it seemed he still had queries from when he interrogated me last.

"If you were with them, why were your memories erased and why were you put into the maze?" He asked, while him and Brenda moved further into the circle of people. I was shocked to see her actually, I hadn't been able to spot her in the fight, and I wondered if she had survived at all after I saw her bite marks.

"I don't know why, Janson refused to tell me." I said shortly, as the man nodded his head. And from there, Thomas was mainly the one who asked the questions.

"Did you know you were part of their army before?" He asked, still angrily, but not as much as before. I took in a deep breath, and slowly began to explain. "I figured it out when we got to Jorge's place. I knew before that that I was involved; I just didn't know how."

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