"Han, this is Master Obi-wan Kenobi, an old friend of my father's. Master Kenobi, this is Han..."Han reached up to shake the old man's hand, "Solo," he finished. Obi-wan rubbed his bearded chin, "You're that boy who hangs around the Jedi Temple with the wookie!" he exclaimed. Leia raised her eyebrows, "You two know each other?"
Han smiled with guilt, "Funny story about that. I'll tell ya all about it if we make it out of here alive!" he promised, helping Leia out of the garbage chute.
Obi-wan pulled up Han. They were in a hanger on the first level of the base. "We need to get out of here," Obi-wan said quickly. At least twenty cloned soldiers patrolled the docking bay and more guarded the exit. "Looks like someone was expecting us," Han muttered, gripping his blaster. Leia shook her head, "How are we going to get out of here?" she asked hopelessly. Obi-wan led them behind a ship, "Patience Leia. Think about the situation for a second. Use the Force," he said. Leia closed her eyes, "I know, I know..."
Han watched impatiently, "Hokey religion and ancient weapons are nothing compared to a good blaster at your side," he interrupted. Leia glared at him, "Do you ever stop talking? If you wanna go running through with your blaster, go right ahead!" she snapped, but then she got an idea. "Wait! I've got a plan..."
Obi-wan glanced at Han and then at Leia. "Oh I have a bad feeling about this..."
Leia giggled, "You probably say that about everything! Now come on, it's time to make a distraction."
Han frowned, "Hang on a second, what kind of distraction are you talking about?"
Leia winked at him, "Just do what you do best Solo, run your mouth and always shoot first. Follow me!"
Nearing the base, Padme contacted Mace on the comlink. "Once we've reached the base, we'll have to move in on foot," she said slowly. "And what do you expect us to do after that?" he asked. Padme bit her lip, "I'm still working on that..."
Maya looked up at her. "Aren't we going to go save your family?" she asked. Padme set down the com and ran a hand through her hair, "It's going to be dangerous," she admitted reluctantly.
Maya frowned, "But it's your family. They need you," she persisted. Padme rubbed the young girl's shoulder, "I think you've seen enough battle for one day," she said regretfully. Maya shrugged, "I'll be fine."
Padme smiled, "I don't doubt that."
They left the ships and started toward a docking bay on the perimeter of the base. Keeping in the shadows was as difficult as was keeping quiet with the golden protocol droid babbling behind them. "R2 has located Master Obi-wan's tracking becon!" he wailed. Mace turned abruptly, "Where is he?"
R2 whistled and C-3PO hesitated from the shock, "I do believe R2 says that Master Obi-wan is... approaching in our direction."
Padme eagerly stepped forward, "They're coming?" she asked excitedly. Mace ran towards the docking bay and stopped short, "And they're not alone. Look!"
He could fight Midas. He could win. Maybe...
Luke clashed his lightsaber against the Sith's but the man's strength forced him to take a step back. He recovered and jumped up onto the control panel for higher ground. But the Sith seemed unconcerned about his move. "I feel the fear inside of you boy. It's deep inside... eating at you!" he hissed. Luke lunged toward him and contacted blades, "That's not true!" he said fiercely, putting leverage on the swords. Midas Force-lept onto a balcony.
"You're just like your father! You are afraid of the Sith!" he seethed. Luke followed him onto the platform, "My father is not afraid of you and neither am I!"
Then another blue blade joined Luke's side. "You've got that right!" his father said as he forced Midas backwards. The two Skywalkers continued leading the duel. Midas retreated to another higher balcony and his opponents followed. Now there was at least twenty meters below them to the floor. The area the three stood on was only about four feet wide and Luke swallowed the urge to look down. Midas laughed, "I'm disappointed Skywalker... You're son's foolishness exceeds his capabilities. Just like you..."
Luke gritted his teeth. Midas grinned down at him, "Ready to quit boy?" he prodded. Luke tightened his grip on his sword, "I think I'll manage," he said sarcastically.
Midas went in for another attack and the friction under Luke's feet was lost and he pushed him against the edge of the platform. Luke's arms grew week under the strength of the Sith and there was suddenly nothing beneath him.
He fell.
"Luke! No!" Anakin shouted as he reached out for his son's cloak. He was too late but fortunately, Luke had grabbed onto the edge of the platform. Anakin reached down to help him. As he turned his back on the Sith, he heard a crackle of engery and then a shriek of electricity. A sharp pain hit his body and he realized that it was coming from Midas. Force electricity.
Before Anakin knew it, he was tumbling past Luke and toward the ground far below. His body flipped over as he fell and his lightsaber slipped through his fingers as he listened to Luke scream after him. "Dad!"
Anakin used the Force to focus on his surroundings. The ground, the platform, Midas, his son. Time seemed to slow down as he centered his gravity and landed steadily on the ground, catching his lightsaber as well.He looked up to see Midas standing over Luke who hung helplessly over the edge of the balcony. No...
"You're father has failed, boy! Join me or die!" Anakin felt the condensation on his face as the Sith tried to coax his son to the dark side. How could this happen? How could he let this happen?
Be strong Luke...

What Could Have Been Part 2: Anakin's Trials
FanfictionEleven years after the birth of Luke and Leia Skywalker, their father ,Anakin, is faced with his greatest challenge yet; training his children. When the Skywalker family is assigned a mission to defeat the Sith once and for all, they will experience...