Hi guys! A quick authors note: Unlike WCHB Part 1: Anakin's Decision this part will be not only follow Anakin's journey but also Padme's, Luke's, and Leia's. I'll add a heading every time it changes. Hope you enjoy!
As Naboo disappeared from view, Anakin turned his head toward the vast emptiness of space. There was no turning back now.
He shifted in his seat in the quarters of The Alliance transport ship. The large, bulky, ship had been sent by the New Order or The Alliance. After the Chancellor's death and the fall of the Republic, the Jedi were appointed the new leaders of the crumbling government. They salvaged what they could, but the old democracy had failed. Too many star systems had left and the Council's only choice was to start over.
In instead of the giant Republic, single systems made their own governments and kept to themselves. The Jedi become the overall rulers who's only role was to maintain peace;'Their role in the first place.
Whenever a dispute arose, the Jedi immediately intervened. The New Order was a government of Jedi who spoke on behalf of the star systems. The met as the Senate would to discuss a solution. Mace Windu was the Head Master of it all.
"What about Master Yoda?" Anakin asked Obi-wan. His old master sighed sadly and shook his head. Anakin felt his stomach sink. Yoda was very old when he first met him. It wasn't surprising that he was gone but Anakin had never really thought of Yoda as someone who could die.
Yoda wasn't like any Jedi he had ever known. His wisdom and knowledge was timeless. He was timeless. The reality of it all hit Anakin like a blaster shot. Life was a fragile thing. Not only in the case of Master Yoda, but for his family too. He was bringing his wife and children into a danger that he knew nothing about. His family's strength was being tested.
And he was afraid.

What Could Have Been Part 2: Anakin's Trials
FanfictionEleven years after the birth of Luke and Leia Skywalker, their father ,Anakin, is faced with his greatest challenge yet; training his children. When the Skywalker family is assigned a mission to defeat the Sith once and for all, they will experience...