The ride bounced Padme up and down as the K18 platoon journeyed to Rett Lisban's base. She carefully thought out how she was going to stop Mace Windu from inside the back of a transport but it was harder than she had initially thought. R2 sat beside her while C-3PO remained motionless in the corner. "Artoo, can you jam the signals of the ships?" she asked hopefully. The little droid beeped and whistled rapidly, confusing Padme in the process. "Is that a yes?" she questioned. R2 blurted a loud noise that could have rattled the whole ship and Padme rubbed her head. "Artoo, I can't understand you..." she muttered. It wasn't worth the aggravation to turn on the snippy protocol droid so Padme decided to take a different strategy. "Okay, one beep for yes, two beeps for no. Got it?"
R2 beeped once. "I'll take that as a yes. Now can you stop the K18 ships?" she asked again. R2 beeped once more. "Perfect!" Padme exclaimed. If she could stop the ships, maybe she could figure out how to convince Mace to wait for her family to return.
But she needed to know where Anakin was first. "Artoo, before you do that, I need to send a transmission..."
It wasn't hard to get lost.
Following Han, the two raced down the twists and turns that Han thought he remembered taking on the way inside. "Tell me again why you're the one leading?" she asked impatiently. Han kept running, "I'm supposed to be protecting you. Now be a good little princess and don't argue."
Leia stopped in her tracks. Her face twisted like a knot. "What did you just say?" she said through clenched teeth. Han stopped and turned slowly, a smirk painted across his features. "I'm just sayin, I know what I'm doing..." Leia breathed in sharply, "Okay, well I'm the Jedi so if anyone is taking orders, it's gonna be you!"
Han seemed to barely hear her. "And I suppose you want me to bow as well?" he asked sarcastically. Leia crossed her arms, "If you want..." she teased with a smile growing on her lips. Han smiled and stepped forward, "Well, Your Worship, which way would you like to go?" he asked tightly.
Leia closed her eyes and tried to imagine the exit. She concentrated on the paths that would lead them to safety but it all came out fuzzy. "I'm waiting..." he added. Leia opened her eyes, "You're a lot more annoying than I thought you were," she remarked bluntly. Han smiled, "Wait til you get to know me."
Leia turned back to the hallways. Two paths split down the middle and she could only guess which way was right. "Let's try left," she finally said. "Works for me. Lead the way, Your Highness..." he said with a wave of his hand. Leia took the lead, "Wow. You may be a gentleman yet..."
Feeling pulled by the Force, Anakin ran down the hallways. He sensed each sharp bend and narrow turn with ease and he began to silently thank Obi-wan for making him practice his Force abilities so many years ago.
Reminiscing, Anakin found himself caught off guard by a cloaked figure that reached out an arm from a doorway on his right. "What the-?" he began before the arm pulled him into a dim lit room. Anakin immediately pulled out his lightsaber. Its blue glow illuminated the room and Anakin could just make out the copper-grey beard of his old master. "Obi-wan?" he asked under his breath which was heavy after sprinting for so long. Obi-wan didn't even flinch at the lightsaber. He allowed Anakin a second to retract his sword and replace it to his belt before he began. "Anakin, Luke is in danger," he said gravely. Anakin tightened his jaw, "What happened? Why did you bring him here? Is Padme safe?" he snapped. The air in the room was thick and seemed to suffocate the two, making them only more irritable and prone to their old ways of bickering.
"Padme is safe Anakin. And Luke wanted to come," Obi-wan defended quickly. Anakin set his hands on his hips, "I can't believe you would put him in danger like that! He's too unpredictable," Anakin sighed. Obi-wan almost smiled despite the situation, "Sounds like a boy I used to train," he said softly.
Anakin watched the twinkle in his old master's eyes until it faded away, "So where's Luke?" he asked, although he wasn't sure he wanted to know. Obi-wan frowned, "He was caught by Rett Lisban who is a Sith. I couldn't face him alone."
Anakin had to remind himself to breathe. Now the Sith had his son? "I need to find him."
Just then, he felt his pocket buzz. A transmission was coming in. Pulling out his transmitter, Anakin watched the hologram spring to life. Padme.
"Padme, I'm so glad you are okay," he said with relief in his voice. Padme frowned, "Anakin, you need to get out of there! You and the children are in danger!" she explained. Anakin furrowed his eye brows, "What do you mean?" he asked. "The Alliance is sending a strike to destroy Rett Lisban's base! You have to get out of there!" she explained quickly.
Anakin ran his hands through his golden locks and looked at the image of his wife. "Where are you?" Padme answered with a determined voice, "I'm in one of the strike team's ships." Anakin groaned, "Of course you are..." he said with a roll of his eyes.
Padme cocked her eye brow, "Anakin, I'll be careful. Now get your butt out of there or I'm going to have to kick it!" she threatened. Anakin glanced at Obi-wan who was watching with an amused smile. Anakin glared at him, "What are you laughing about?" he asked, semi-entertained himself. Obi-wan scratched his beard and smiled, "Oh nothing..."
Padme however, was not smiling, "Anakin, listen to me!" she begged loudly. Anakin looked back at her, "Don't worry, I'm a Jedi..." he said slowly. The words tasted funny on his tongue. Jedi. Was he really a Jedi? He wasn't sure he was still the Chosen One. He wasn't sure of anything anymore. But he knew that he was going to save his family no matter what.
Luke fought the arm gripping his own as Darth Midas pulled him down the hall. "I'm beginning to think I'm doing your parents a favor! Such rotten children!" he grumbled. Luke raised an eye brow, "Says the Dark Lord who just kidnapped me!"
Midas scoffed with disgust, "I only hope your father is not nearly as foolish as you are or I will find much less pleasure in killing him!" Luke glared into his yellow, cat-like eyes, "You will never kill my father! I won't let you!" he rebuked.
Midas laughed, "My boy... You already have."
With that, Luke felt his heart sink like a stone. It was true, if he really considered things. He had crashed the ship. He had put his whole family in danger! Or maybe he had ruined things much longer ago. Like C-3PO had said, his father left the Order when he and his sister were born. If they had not been born... things could have been different.
As the thought hung over Luke's mind, Midas turned a hallway only to find to collapsed bodies lying against the chrome walls. "What?" he hissed as he narrowed his eyes at the open doorway in front of them. Luke smiled at the traces of his sister's presence. She had escaped.
That's my sister...

What Could Have Been Part 2: Anakin's Trials
FanfictionEleven years after the birth of Luke and Leia Skywalker, their father ,Anakin, is faced with his greatest challenge yet; training his children. When the Skywalker family is assigned a mission to defeat the Sith once and for all, they will experience...