The air smothered her as Darth Midas lead her down a tight hallway. Her head hung like it was becoming too heavy to hold straight. Leia thought of how her father would have kept his head high. He would be brave. He wouldn't have been afraid. But she was nothing like her father.
Now she wished she was.
"Your attitude disappoints me, My Dear," Darth Midas remarked. Leia's head shot up, "Stop calling me dear!" she snarled. Midas clicked his tounge against his teeth, "tsk tsk tsk, I'm afraid I don't like this attitude much better..."
Leia smirked nastily, "You wouldn't be the first," she snorted. Midas turned around, "And what do you mean by that?" he asked with intrest. Leia looked away from the man's yellow, snake-like eyes. "You don't have to worry about anyone coming to save me," she said heavily, "I've failed my father, I've betrayed him."
Midas only smiled widely. His teeth glistening yellow like his eyes. He enjoyed every once of sorrow she possessed. "Oh Leia, any betrayal you have committed is miniscule to what I have planned for you," he assured her.
Leia narrowed her eyes, " Go brush your teeth," she suggested with disgust. His breath lingered too close to her nose and Sith or not, she was choking. Darth Midas stood up straight and scoffed, "I would have thought," he stated stiffly, "That with parents held in such high esteem in society, that they would have raised a child with better manner."
Leia wanted to bust with laughter but only grinned with an amusing snicker, "What were you expecting? A princess?"
It must have been a new record. Three family members leaving within twenty-four hours.
Padme watched her baby boy tuck in his Jedi robes. Obi-wan had retrieved a slightly used set from his quarters. A reddish-brown undershirt with wide sleeves. Dark leather over top. Nearly black trousers that fit loosely and held with a burgundy utility belt. Boots a size too big, leather, hit her son's ankles as he stared at himself in the mirror.
Padme knew they must have once belonged to Anakin.
"How do I look, Mom?" Luke asked, brushing a particle of lint from his shoulder. Padme closed her eyes to blink away tears. "Just like your father..." Luke frowned at his crying mother, "Mom, I'll be alright," he said softly. Padme nodded and squeezed him into a hug. "Just please be careful," she begged. Luke sighed, "Mom, stop worrying."
Padme stared at her son's bright blue eyes. Full of excitement, anticipation, and courage. He would be okay. He would be with Obi-wan. He would be okay...
"How's your leg Sweetie?" she asked, searching for a reason to keep her son with her. Luke looked at his ankle like he had forgotten it was there. "Mom, I spent a whole hour in the bacta tanks. I'm fine," he insisted impatiently. Padme finally let go of her son and forced a smile. "I love you Luke," she whispered.
Luke smiled and began walking toward Master Kenobi's skiff. His lightsaber glistened on his belt. "May the Force be with you Mom," he waved, purposely forgetting to return the "I love you" on account of the many Jedi and troops milling around the Alliance Base.
"My little boy is all grown up," she told herself softly.
Storm clouds filled the sky with bleak billows as Anakin clenched and unclenched his fists. He dug his nails into his palms until they drew blood. Anger had flooded his body, wrapping around his grief filled heart.
The rage swirling inside him wanted someone blame. Someone to center the anger on. But Anakin knew he was too old for that. For once, he had no one to blame. Not Obi-wan. Not the Jedi. Only himself.
Thunder rumbled like drum as Anakin smashed his forehead against a tree thick with moss. Unfortunately, his tantrum got the best of him and the connection of his head on the wood struck pain against his skull.
"Ouch!" he grumbled. To Anakin's surprise, a chuckle sounded through the jungle landscape causing him to put a tense hand on his lightsaber. Before he could open his mouth, the chuckle evolved into a voice. A voice weighted with age.
"With what conflict does one have with a tree, that any good throwing his head against it would do?"
Anakin looked up with curiosity in his sapphire eyes. Could it really be him? How? Master Obi-wan had said...
The voice muffled a grunt of amusement as it studied the still very young Jedi.
"So surprised are you to hear an old friend that bid him 'hello' you can not?"
Anakin felt his dark feelings slip away. His face reddend with a foolish feeling but the familiar voice of a very wise green friend only made him smile. "Greetings, Master Yoda."

What Could Have Been Part 2: Anakin's Trials
FanfictionEleven years after the birth of Luke and Leia Skywalker, their father ,Anakin, is faced with his greatest challenge yet; training his children. When the Skywalker family is assigned a mission to defeat the Sith once and for all, they will experience...