A Story of Secrets

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   "So Obi-wan, are you gonna tell me why you flew us to Coruscant, or are we just going to stand here?" Anakin Skywalker asked impatiently. They stood outside the Jedi Temple in the very vacant capital of the galaxy. Since the Great Collapse, the Jedi ruled Coruscant and removed all of the unnecessary technology from the planet. No more high-tech towering skyscrapers, or colorful nightclubs in the streets below.

   Depsite the lack of fascinating ships buzzing overhead, Anakin actually liked the change.

   "Right. Why don't we go inside?" Obi-wan waved his hands toward the steps of the immense temple and led the Skywalkers to the Council Chamber.

   Anakin looked out across the very familiar view from the spire that held the Council's meeting area. Luke stood by his side and gazed in amazement, "Wizard..." he gasped. Anakin smiled down at his wide eyed son, "This is where I used to work."

   Leia was on his other side, "Used to?" She asked. Anakin sighed, "Well, I guess I still do..." he said thoughtfully. Leia grinned, "I guess you're more interesting than we give you credit for," she replied. Anakin cocked an eyebrow, "Well gee, thanks Princess."

   Obi-wan chuckled behind them, "You two remind me much of your father when he was young." Luke's smile widened, "What was he like? Anakin shifted as his old master studied him for a moment, as if trying to see the young boy he once was. "Very brave and strong. Very skilled with a lightsaber," Master Kenobi remarked. Luke proudly crossed his arms, "But also very arrogant at times..." Obi-wan continued. Luke's pride deflated and Leia snickered a little. Anakin smirked at his friend, "Well that's nice."

   Obi-wan's eyes twinkled, "But I knew I could always count on him. He was an excellent pilot too. I could never keep him out of speeders, ships, or anything with an engine."

   Anakin shrugged, "That's an exaggeration..." he fibbed. He didn't want his son getting any more ideas about flying. The activity was so dangerous and uncontrollable. If Luke hopped into a Starfighter he'd be on his own. He'd be free. Anakin's goal was to avoid the reckless sport at all costs.

   He couldn't risk losing his son.


   "Dad was a pilot?" Luke asked excitedly. Obi-wan nodded, "The best one I know." Luke looked up at his father in admiration, "How come I never knew about this?" He questioned. If his dad had been flying his whole life, then what was wrong with himself flying? Anakin sighed, "It was a long time ago."

   Padme cut in, "So Obi-wan, what is it that you need us here for?" Master Kenobi nodded, "Of course. Since the Great Collapse, the galaxy has been in an overall era of peace. That is, until now..."

   Luke felt a slight chill. He didn't like the sound of that. Obi-wan continued, "One of Chancellor Palpatine's close allies during the Clone Wars seems to be stirring up some trouble."

   Luke was confused. Great Collapse? Chancellor Palpatine? What was the Clone Wars? He shot a glance toward his sister and used the Force to talk to her.

   What is he talking about?

   Leia shrugged

   No idea. What do you think they're not telling us?

   Luke frowned.

   You've got me there.

   Their father's eyebrows rose, "Who is it?" He asked firmly. Luke sensed his father tense when Obi-wan mentioned the Chancellor guy. "Rett Lisben," Master Kenobi answered, "He was overseer of the Clone production. When we wiped out the army, he fled to the Outer Rim Territories. We were never able to track him."

   Luke's mind spun. Clone armies, a bad guy on the loose. Where was the Outer Rim? It sounded like a wizard place to Luke.

   "So you want us to find this Lisben character? Sounds easy..." his father remarked. Obi-wan frowned, "I wish that was all Anakin. The reason the Council has asked for you is not because we need you for a simple mission. After you left the Order, I saw a vision from Qui-gon Jinn..."

   Luke noticed his father's stare twitch a little, "Master Qui-gon..." Obi-wan looked away before continuing, "Yes. In the vision I saw a Sith, and three Jedi Knights. I sensed a great battle was taking place. But that's all I saw." Luke wasn't sure why, but he felt that Master Kenobi must have known Qui-gon Jinn very well. Who ever he was. Luke assumed he had been a Jedi too, but was gone.

   He would have to ask his father about it later. Along with many other guestions. What was his father hiding?

Hey guys, Starwarzgirl again! I've been lucky to have a few days to write a little but I won't be updating as much anymore. School...

   Anyways, I figured I would give myself a schedule so I can balance my time, and save you guys the agony of checking for updates. I will post a knew chapter every Sunday night starting now! So I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter cause there will be nothing knew until next week! :) hope this will work! May the Force be with you all!

What Could Have Been Part 2: Anakin's TrialsWhere stories live. Discover now