Hey guys! Here's what you've been waiting for! The sequel to What Could Have Been! I hope you all enjoy it!
Anakin stood in front of his family. Padme, Luke, and Leia all sat on the couch in the study and waited for him to speak. "We're going on a little trip everybody!" he began. Luke and Leia smiled but Padme held a firm expression. She knew that her husband's harden face meant it wasn't some sort of vacation. It was a mission.
Anakin continued, "However, this trip is very serious and very dangerous," he stared right at his son and daughter, "It will be your first mission as Jedi."
Leia clapped with joy, "Does that mean we're Jedi now?" Anakin crossed his arms, "No exactly, you're still Padawans. But don't worry Leia, you'll be a Knight one day."
Leia tucked her chin against her chest, "Bantha dung!" she grumbled. Padme shot her a look, "Young lady!" Leia hushed up and innocently waited for her father to continue.
"This is going to test everything that you two have learned so far. Master Kenobi feels that you are ready. I know you're ready." Luke smiled confidently, "I know I'm ready too!" Leia nodded her head and grinned. Padme smiled at them then looked up at Anakin. "Are we all going?" she asked. Anakin nodded, "Of course! We're a family and that's not going to change. We'll be together the whole time!" he assured them. But the truth was, he didn't know that. Anything could happen out there and he was just as afraid as anyone would be. But he wasn't going to let his uncertainty show, "So Skywalkers, are we ready?" Leia and Luke looked to their mother for an answer. Padme nodded and rose from the couch, "Count me in!" she replied proudly. Luke and Leia exchanged anxious glances then hopped up too. "We're in!" they announced. Anakin smiled as his wife and children surrounded him in a hug. They were really going.
The Skywalkers were leaving Naboo. The question was, Where were they going?

What Could Have Been Part 2: Anakin's Trials
FanfictionEleven years after the birth of Luke and Leia Skywalker, their father ,Anakin, is faced with his greatest challenge yet; training his children. When the Skywalker family is assigned a mission to defeat the Sith once and for all, they will experience...