Standing By

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Just when Luke thought he had evaded the grounding of his life, Leia got their dad all roused up.

He heard the yelling from the front side of the ship and knew that he would have more luck begging a Hutt for mercy than his own father.

Anakin stormed around the corner with Leia close behind him. Both of their faces were twisted and red and Luke realized that father like daughter wasn't always a good thing. He was quite aware of both of their tempers and how to avoid raising them but that didn't mean that they couldn't step on each other's toes.

"Go straight to your quarters this instant young lady!" Anakin barked over his shoudler. Leia waved a hand over the crashed Escapade, "My quarters are under twenty tons of metal!" she snapped. Anakin shot a glare at Luke, "Well you can thank your brother for that! Just go sit in the cockpit."

Luke felt his shoulders slump. Although his father was currently yelling at Leia, he was obviously ready to punish Luke also.

"What about Han?" Leia asked in a whiny tone. Anakin crossed his arms, "Wherever he ran off to, it's for the best. I better not catch you talking to him ever again." Luke noticed his sister wipe her eyes on her sleeve, "I think any chance of seeing Han again has been completely vaporized so you don't have to worry!" she cried before running onto the ship.

Luke tried to wish himself invisible but his father was already prepared to deal his punishment. "And you young man! Have I got a few choice words for you!" he snarled. Luke shrank a little, "Those words wouldn't happen to sound like, 'It's alright son. You'll get it next time Sport!' would they?" he asked hopelessly.

Anakin's face turned even redder, "Luke Ruwee Skywalker, what were you thinking?" he demanded. Luke cringed at the use of his middle name. He was in deep Bantha dung for this.

Luke frowned, "I'm sorry Dad. I thought I could land the ship. I thought I could show you that I was a good pilot, " he lowered his head, "I thought I could be like you..."


The words made Anakin's anger melt like ice on Mustafar. How could he yell at his son when he was just trying to proove himself. Sounds like something I would have done. He thought regretfully. But you don't want Luke to turn out like you did. Or Leia for that matter. They can't have the weaknesses you have. Anakin flinched at the painful cinclusion. I won't let them be weaknesses anymore. He told himself in determination.

Anakin sat down next to Luke, "Look son. You and your sister are my pride and joy. You two make me so happy that words cannot describe how much I love you. You're mother is equally important. I couldn't live without her. So you see, I care about you all so so much. I don't want any of you getting hurt. That's why I need you to understand that I keep you from flying for a reason. I couldn't live with myself if you got hurt."

He stared into Luke's bright blue eyes. It's like looking in a mirror sometimes. He noted. Luke nodded, "I guess I understand." He looked down at his hands, "Am I still in trouble?"

Anakin smiled, "Did a strange girl who I ii now nothing about smuggle a ride on our ship just to talk to you?" he asked plainly. Luke was sltightly confused, but shook his head, "Not that I know of," he asnwered. Anakin rustled his son's hair, "Then no, you aren't in trouble. But you are going to have to help me fix the transmitter on R2-D2. We have to get a message to Master Kenobi."

Luke grinned in relief, "I can fix anything!" he said proudly. Anakin chuckled, "That's my boy..."

What Could Have Been Part 2: Anakin's TrialsWhere stories live. Discover now