Flying wasn't as hard as Luke thought it would be. The first hour and a half went completely perfect.
Landing was a different story.
Frantically, Luke searched the controls for clues on how to land. They were approaching the atmosphere of Felucia and he was running out of time.
With his parents still asleep, Luke needed to make a decision. And fast! He pressed the auto-pilot button to set the Escapade back on course but the button blinked red, "Auto-pilot unable to activate. Please reset coordinates."
Luke gripped the controls, "Aww Bantha dung!" He exclaimed. Leia looked up, "What's wrong?"
Luke didn't take his gaze off of the dark green planet that was growing rapidly. As they neared the planet, the screen of the ship flashed orange, "Warning! Overheating. Please begin landing cycle!"
Leia joined her brother at the controls, "What did you do?" She asked furiously. Luke's eyes widened, "I- I-..."
Luke's fingers danced across the arrangement of buttons and switches, trying to figure out how to land safely. He had really done it now! He had to go get his dad or they were going to be toast!
But before Luke could leave the pilot's chair, his parents burst through the door. "What's going on?" His father asked angrily. Luke froze with fear, "It- I- help!"
Quickly, Anakin moved his son out of the seat. They were supposed to be on auto-pilot but the screen was buzzing loudly and saying that they were in danger of crashing! "What did you do?" Anakin asked his son loudly. Luke didn't respond. His eyes were fixed on the planet of Felucia coming into view. Anakin had to think quickly if he was going to get his family out of this alive!
Without a second thought, Anakin grabbed the controls and switched the landing gears on. He was surprised at how easy it was for him to regain control of the ship. Apparently you never forget how to fly.
But the ship was way off course from its designated landing point. Anakin would have to find an open place to land. But Felucia didn't have many of those.
The surface of the olive green planet was uncomfortably close. Anakin didn't have any more time. Sweat was quickly building around his face, making his long hair damp. His heart was racing as the gap of space between the Escapade and hard ground became less and less.
Meanwhile, Leia was shouting at Luke, accusing him of messing up the entire mission. Luke was hiding behind Padme, who was shaking Anakin's shoulder, "Anakin, what are we going to do?" She asked nervously.
He knew he had to do something. He couldn't let his family go like this! Suddenly, all of Anakin's piloting experience flowed through his body. "Hang on!" He yelled over the wailing cry of automated alerts.
He pulled the nose of the ship up so the Escapade was parallel with the ground. But they had gained to much momentum and the ship skimmed over the spiraling trees on the planet's surface. Leia screamed with shock as they skidded across the towering tops of exotic plants. A small patch of clear land caught Anakin's eye but it was pretty far out. Would they make it? Knowing there was no other choice, Anakin pushed the Escapade onward.
When they finally made it, Anakin let the ship down with a low moan from the landing gears. The sound of metal grinding on rock split his ears.
But they had made it safely. And as Anakin looked back at his stunned family, all he could think about were Master Obi-wan's words when they rescued the Chancellor from General Grevious, "Another happy landing..."

What Could Have Been Part 2: Anakin's Trials
FanfictionEleven years after the birth of Luke and Leia Skywalker, their father ,Anakin, is faced with his greatest challenge yet; training his children. When the Skywalker family is assigned a mission to defeat the Sith once and for all, they will experience...