Hey guys! Starwarzgirl again! I hope you have enjoyed WCHB 2 so far and I hope I haven't traumatized you to much with this week's chapter. I promise that all the Skywalkers will be okay!
Anyways, in this Part 2 prologue, you will be introduced to a new character who we have heard about vaguely from Blast; The Master. Dun dun dunnnn...
So get ready for our heros to face their greatest challenge yet! Happy readung and may the Force we with you!Prologue
A twisted disturbance loomed in the air throughout the hanger. Even the weak minded clones could read the unease on their Master's grim features.
As the commander strode in, his footsteps fell with a dark manner that rang against the control room like steel drums. Without glancing at the advisors busily checking their scanners and overseeing their duty, The Master continued into his quarters with a steady march.
The door slid shut and the sound from the outside world disintegrated. The Master knelt in the middle of his room where all light was absent. Through the darkness, a hollow voice filled the void of silence.
"The time to strike is nie, Lord Midas. I presume you feel the presence of the Skywalkers..."
The Master nodded although the voice he spoke to roamed another realm. "I have felt their presence. One of them is here," he insisted, though he guessed his Emperor was already aware of the fact.
"The Force has revealed this to you. Is your army perpared?" The Emperor asked expectantly. The young Dark Lord laughed cruelly, "We're ready. The Alliance as well as Anakin Skywalker will fall," he proclaimed. Midas felt the hatred of his Master tighten around him like an immense fist squeezing him to death. "Remember," the voice growled, "Anakin Skywalker is to be taken into custody. I want him alive so he can see the fate of his son and daughter," the Emperor hissed with a tone thick with vengeance.
"I will personally see to it that he watches their turn to the Dark Side," Midas replied slowly. It would be his pleasure to make Anakin suffer until his last breath.
"Excellent," cackled the gnarled voice sorrounding the room. "When his kin are fully seduced by the Dark Side, you may eliminate him along with Senator Amidala Skywalker. Finally the Sith will destroy the Jedi and rule the galaxy! Now go and fulfill your destiny." he instructed with cool anticipation. Darth Midas lowered his head in a bow, then rose to his feet.
"As you wish, Master Sidious..."

What Could Have Been Part 2: Anakin's Trials
FanfictionEleven years after the birth of Luke and Leia Skywalker, their father ,Anakin, is faced with his greatest challenge yet; training his children. When the Skywalker family is assigned a mission to defeat the Sith once and for all, they will experience...