"I can get you past the security and into the service hallways- they basically run throughout the whole base- but I don't know where Leia is..." Han explained with a trailing voice. Anakin watched the boy shift uncomfortably, "It seems to me like you do know."
Han frowned and looked at his boots, "I saw her... she was... with this guy. I think he was one of the soldiers in training. He was the one who showed her the way to the base." Anakin groaned, "Not another boy..." he muttered in disgust. Han looked up, "I'm sorry I didn't stop her Sir. She said that she was on her way to the base for a diplomatic mission and I thought I shouldn't get involved." Despite his previous disliking to the boy in front of him, Anakin almost felt sorry for him. Almost.
"Look Han, this isn't your fault. I was too hard on Leia and that's what made her run away. I wasn't being the father I should be," he admitted. Once again, guilt weighed on Anakin's shoulders like shackles. He thought he could change. He thought he had escaped the Dark. But now he was just putting his family in danger. Han shrugged, "You gotta be doing better than my old man," he said regretfully. Anakin looked over at him sympathetically, "What do you mean?"
Han stuffed his hands into his pockets and kicked at the dirt, "I never knew my mother or father. They abandoned me when I was five," he answered heavily. Anakin felt his heart reach out to the young boy. Poor kid. He remembered his own childhood as a slave on Tatooine. At least he had had his mother.
"I'm sorry to hear that," Anakin replied awkwardly. He felt weird having such personal conversation with Han when he hardly knew him. But maybe he had misjudged him. Han finally looked up with less ache in his eyes, "Eh, no big deal. We ought to get moving now." Anakin nodded, "Right. I've got a feeling that we don't have a lot of time. If I know Leia, she won't take too kindly to anyone that puts her in a cell," he said with a weak laugh though he was much more afraid than he let on.
Dusk was settling in the sky as daylight waved farewell. When Obi-wan landed the skiff, it was hard to see the ground in front of your feet. Luke squinted while his eyes adjusted. "Where are we?" he asked Obi-wan. "A few miles outside Rett Lisban's military base. Stay close to me Anakin," Master Kenobi instructed. Luke cocked his eyebrow, "Um, Anakin?" Luke asked humorously. Obi-wan realized his mistake and chuckled, "Oh, I mean Luke. Forgive me, I must be getting older than I thought!" Luke smiled, "It's alright," he said proudly, "I'm glad to be like my father."
With his senses on edge, Luke felt everything from the presence of the chirping crickets, to the immense darkness surrounding the strange base he neared. Obi-wan was equally uneasy. "Your father is close. Somewhere in the base I think," he whispered uncertainly. Luke couldn't see the concern lines in the old master's forhead or the dulled twinkle in his eyes but he definitely felt his worry. He imagined how close Master Kenobi must have been to his father.
"I sense him too," he said supportively. They continued closer to the base as darkness swallowed them with its ominous jaws. Luke tugged the old man's ash brown cloak. "Master Kenobi, how exactly are we going to get in?" Obi-wan smiled, "you'll see..." he answered with a sly smirk. When they reached the entrance of the base, Obi-wan calmly approached the guards. The uniformed men tensed, "Who are you?" one of them growled. Kenobi grinned, the twinkling eyes were just visible in the early night. "Hello gentlemen. There is no need to worry. I am on official business," he said with a wave of his hand. The men hypnotically repeated him, "You are on official business." Luke watched in amazement, "Wizard..."
"I have permission to enter," Obi-wan insisted, waving his hand again. The men stepped aside, "You have permission to enter," they drawled in unison. Obi-wan strolled in with Luke close beside. "Thank you," the crafty master sang. Luke smiled as he heard the guards murmur, "Thank you."
They entered a hallway casually enough for no one to notice. "You used a Jedi mindtrick!" Luke exclaimed softly. Obi-wan chuckled, "Your father hasn't showed you how to do that yet?" he asked, slightly surprised. Luke shrugged, "He did. I've just never seen it done in person. I'm not allowed to practice on Leia anymore," he informed him. Obi-wan rubbed his beard, "And why would that be?" he inquired. Luke sucked in a breath, "I'd rather not get into the details. But it ended with a herd of Shaak in our dining room and Mom's wedding gown being used as a parachute off the third story balcony..." Obi-wan furrowed his eyebrows, "I don't even want to know."
The two slipped past another set of guards with the use of a mind trick. A maze of hallways led them into a meeting chamber. Hiding in the shadows of wide marble pillars, Luke had to used his Force enhanced hearing to make out the words of the men around the center table. "It is time to make our move against the Alliance. Commander Fett," a tall man in dark robes announced loudly. His voice echoed hallowly. A man in green armor stepped forward, "My men are ready, Lord Midas," he assured the first man. Luke's senses went into hyperdrive. The Sith! Master Obi-wan set a hand on his shoulder, "Easy Luke. I sense it too."
Luke pulled away, entranced by the dark presence of Midas. He was terrifying, yet fascinating. Luke shook his head. No! This man was after his family. There was nothing fascinating about him! He was the enemy. "For your sake, I hope you do not fail me Commander," the Sith threatened lowly. His cold, cruel voice sent a shiver down Luke's spine. He wonder how Commander Fett must have felt.
Obi-wan shook Luke's shoulder, "Luke, we don't have much time. We need to find your father and sister!" he whispered urgently. Luke nodded and followed Master Kenobi at his heals. Luke felt the Force pull on him from two directions. Dad and Leia. They were both there. But something wasn't right.
Four Jedi all in the same place. How didn't the Sith know they were there? The answer was simple. He did...

What Could Have Been Part 2: Anakin's Trials
FanfictionEleven years after the birth of Luke and Leia Skywalker, their father ,Anakin, is faced with his greatest challenge yet; training his children. When the Skywalker family is assigned a mission to defeat the Sith once and for all, they will experience...