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Panting, Leia leaned against a fat tree in the deep jungle of Felucia. She longed to lie down and take a long nap but she had to keep moving. She wasn't sure how long her Nerf herding brother could keep a secret let alone if he could keep one at all.

If only Luke hadn't caught her leaving...

"Hey, where are you going?" he asked, grabbing for her arm. Leia pulled away, "Just for a walk," she fibbed. Luke glared at her, "Leia, we're twins. Jedi twins. You can't lie to me," he explained smartly. Leia groaned, "Swear you won't tell Mom and Dad? Especially Dad!"

Luke raised his right hand, "Swear by the Force," he declared. Leia screened the area to make sure their parents weren't nearby. "Okay, I'm going to look for Han. He said something about a base that isn't far from here," she whispered. Luke's eyes widened and then narrowed, "You're crazy. How can you trust some kid you just met. And besides, it's too dangerous. I'm not letting you go." Leia pulled on her dark Jedi robe, "Oh yes you are. Luke, I have to show Dad that he can trust me on my own. Why wait until tomorrow if the base is so close?" she asked confidently. For a second, Leia thought her brother was going to rat her out but he reluctantly agreed.

"Fine. But if Dad kills you for this, I'm going to say I didn't know anything. And if Dad kills me for this, I will haunt you for the rest of your life," he warned. Leia finished braiding her hair as her brother complained, "Love you too," she added sarcastically. Luke sighed and started back to where their parents had started a fire, "Promise me you'll tell me if you get into danger, okay?" he asked softly. Leia nodded, "I will. And please try to keep your trap shut until I fix this," she added rudely. Luke made a face at her, "I won't hold my breath," he scoffed as his sister began in the opposite direction.

After Leia had gotten only a few more meters away, she heard her brother in her mind.
May the Force be with you Leia.

Smiling to herself, she responded.

Thanks, ya Nerf Herder.

But now that twilight had fallen and fatigue was absorbing her every fiber, Leia wasn't sure the Force was anywhere near her. Using her keen senses to guide her way through the darkness, Leia wondered just how trustworthy Han really was.

It had been hours since she left the crashed Escapade but even her Jedi insticts could not locate a nearby Alliance Base. In search for a better over view, she scaled a tall plant that peeked over the roof of trees. The view of her surroundings was beautiful as she looked across the expanse of plant life. Perched on a wide branch, Leia squinted into the night in search for anything that could be civilization.

She saw nothing, but suddenly, a presence came to her attention on the ground below. Leia smiled. It was probably Han. She swung a flowering vine down to the floor of foliage and landed in a ready squat, hoping to catch her friend by surprise.

To Leia's disappointment, she did not catch the boy by surprise. Even more to her disappointment, the boy was not Han. This one had jet black hair that was combed out of his eyes. His eyes were a steely gray but his smile reassured her that he was no threat.

"State your name and business," he demanded bravely yet happily. Leia smiled in despite her confusion, "I'm Leia. I'm on a... A diplomatic mission," she lied. The boy saluted. His navy blue tunic was neatly pressed along his broad chest. "Name's Blast," he replied crossing his arms. Leia wrinkled her nose, "Blast?" she repeated.

Blast smirked and pulled a heavy looking weapon from his belt. "Well, that's what my friends call me. Captain says it's cause I'm the best shot in the squad," he explained proudly, "Here. Watch this." Blast studied the sky for a second until a fat black bird crossed overhead. He aimed his gun and shot the fowl in a swift blast. Leia marveled, "You work at the base here?" she asked in amazement. He had to have only been a little older than herself. Probably the same as Han. Blast nodded, "I sure do. Class 7, Squad 1. I'm on perimeter duty right now."

Leia was impressed, "Wow, do you think you could show me the way to the base? I'm supposed to be there but I guess I got lost," she admitted. Blast replaced his gun, "Sure thing." Leia grinned as the young boy raised his arm for her to take hold of. His muscles were strong and defined but something about him seemed strange. Whenever her father would give her a hug, his strong arms were warm and comforting. But this arm didn't give her the securtiy of her father.

Leia shrugged off the uneasy feeling and allowed Blast to lead her to the base. But a slight feeling of betrayal nagged at her mind. What about Han? Or was it too late to for that? In her mind, she felt Han was right behind her with his kind hearted brown eyes. Waiting for her to turn around and take his arm instead. But surely that was only in her head.

What Could Have Been Part 2: Anakin's TrialsWhere stories live. Discover now