Chapter Five

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     A few days had went by before Brooklyn decided she had been inside for too long. She needed to find something to do, even if it was getting a job in this small, useless town, or finding friends; friends of which she wouldn't remember a couple years from now if she was lucky. She was worried about Niklaus, since he hadn't contacted her in any way since she left, but she knew she had to trust him and believe that he'd come and find her soon.

      After much contemplation, Brooklyn decided that she would walk the town to try and find herself a job or a human that looked even a little worthy of her friendship. Anyhow, after a shower, which was much needed, since Brooklyn wanted to clear her head after waking up from a terrible nightmare. Her dream had been terrible. In the dream she had to watch Niklaus be staked with the white oak stake by someone, but she didn't see who it was.

       Anyhow, after her shower, Brooklyn took her sweet time drying and fixing her hair, as well as doing very little makeup. Once she was done, she went to her closet and began to look through all of the clothes that were hanging in there. After about ten minutes, Brooklyn found an outfit that she deemed suitable for walking around the small town.

       As soon as Brooklyn was dressed, she grabbed her phone and left the house

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       As soon as Brooklyn was dressed, she grabbed her phone and left the house. Walking down the road, she slipped a pair of sunglasses over her eyes to block the sun. She absentmindedly ran her thumb over the band of her daylight ring, as if to check and make sure she was still wearing it. She hadn't ever taken the ring off since she had recieved it 1000 years ago, but she seemed to always check to make sure the ring was always on her finger.

        By the time she came into the middle of the town, she decided she wanted a break. Walking into a small diner, she found herself a table and ordered some food. She wasn't really hungry, but she knew she needed to look at least a little human, otherwise she'd blow her cover. She couldn't chance Mikael finding her, so she had to stay incognito for as long as possible. As she slowly ate the fries on her plate, which had come with her pizza puffs, she stared out the window absentmindedly. The only time she looked away from the window was when she heard footsteps approaching her.

       Looking away from the window, Brooklyn seen a dark haired woman approaching. The woman looked older than Brooklyn's physical appearance, so she assumed the woman was around fifty or so years old. The woman held a strong posture, but the woman's demeanor would never cause Brooklyn to falter, since she had grown up as one of the most feared creatures in the world.

"Mind if I sit?" The woman asked, though she didn't seem to care for an answer and sat down anyhow.

       Brooklyn wondered who the woman was, but she did know that the woman was definitely in consideration for her friendship. She seemed strong and determined enough to stand out as a worthy human for a friend. Brooklyn didn't normally befriend many humans, but this woman may just be one of the lucky ones.

"I haven't seen you around Charming before. Where are you from?" The woman asked, causing Brooklyn to fold her hands together.

"I don't even know who you are." Brooklyn snipped, causing the woman to smirk.

"I'm Gemma Teller-Morrow. I work in the office of Teller-Morrow automotive. Now, answer my question." The woman, Gemma, retorted, as she raised an eyebrow at the hybrid.

"I'm from Mystic Falls, Virgina. I came here to visit family." Brooklyn lied, causing Gemma's eyes to narrow.

"What family?" Gemma asked, and Brooklyn smiled innocently.

"Regina Dressmaker is my aunt. Her brother Roger was my stepfather. He died last year, which left Regina heartbroken. After a messy breakup with my boyfriend, I decided to stay with Aunt Regina until after I got back on my feet." Brooklyn stated, seemingly truthful, but in reality the story was quite rehearsed.

"Hmm, I didn't know Roger remarried after Gean left him for their gardener." Gemma commented, causing Brooklyn to shrug.

"Your true love isn't always your first marriage or your first love." Brooklyn replied, as Gemma nodded in agreement.

"You're right, but I never heard about you before. Regina never said Roger had any stepchildren." Gemma said, causing Brooklyn to shrug, though she could feel her nerves building up.

"Roger didn't exactly admire having a stepdaughter. He wasn't very fond of me, but Regina never hated me. Lizabeth held neutral feelings, but she was always a bit of a bitch." Brooklyn lied, though when the words left her lips, Gemmma snorted in amusement.

"Yes she was, which is why I'm glad she left Charming after high school." Gemma commented, and Brooklyn lightly laughed.

"Would you like some food, Gemma? Or a drink?" Brooklyn asked, causing Gemma to nod with a slight smile.

     Brooklyn quickly waved over a waitress and allowed Gemma to order some food. Brooklyn told the waitress to put it on her bill, before the waitress walked off to fix Gemma some food.

"You never mentioned your name. So, what's your name? How old are you?" Gemma asked, and Brooklyn went unnoticed when she tensed at the mention of speaking her name.

     Though she didn't want everyone knowing who she was, she knew she couldn't exactly lie about a name. She needed to at least have her name to be real, even if a few people knew about her.

"My name is Brooklyn Mikaelson and I'm twenty four years old." Brooklyn said, though she left out the one thousand before the twenty four.

       Some things weren't worth mentioning, not yet anyhow...


A/N: I hope you liked this chapter. I don't update this book often, but when I think of ideas, I do post them as soon as possible.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

Love, A Vampire's Greatest Weakness (SOA/TVD/TO Crossover)*discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now