Chapter Ten

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      Brooklyn had become close to Lyla after the night they had hung out

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      Brooklyn had become close to Lyla after the night they had hung out. Brooklyn had decided she'd treat Lyla's son to ice cream every Saturday, if he was good at school all week. She wanted everyone in the town to think she was nice and human, even though she was nowhere near human.

    Today, Brooklyn had to get ready for the party Jax had invited her to. She was nervous, but she couldn't really figure out why. Normally, she'd never feel nervous about going to parties, since she had participated in many parties and balls throughout her immortal life. This one seemed different though, and she couldn't figure it out. Since she was so nervous, she invited Lyla to her house to help her choose her outfit for the party.

"Get a shower before you put this on." Lyla said, and Brooklyn agreed.

     Brooklyn took a quick shower, before she walked into her room in only her underwear. Normally she wouldn't walk into her room in only her underwear when other people were in there, but Lyla was a pornstar and a girl, so she didn't see a real reason why she shouldn't. She didn't feel nervous or disgusted about Lyla seeing her body, since Lyla was so sweet.

"Girl, you are fit." Lyla commented, causing Brooklyn to smile.

      Brooklyn was never selfconscious, but hearing such compliments made her feel even better about herself. Technically, Lyla was inflating her already inflated ego.

"You should put this on before you put your clothes on." Lyla said, as she passed Brooklyn a coconut scented lotion and body spray.

      Brooklyn agreed, so she put on the lotion and body spray, before slipping on her clothes. Once she was dressed, Lyla had her sit down, so she could accent her curls more, as well as put on a little makeup. Lyla knew Brooklyn wasn't fond of a lot of makeup, so she didn't try to cake the girl's face in it.

"Jax should be here soon." Brooklyn said, and Lyla smiled.

"Brook, I meant to ask earlier, do you like Jax?" Lyla asked, causing Brooklyn to furrow her eyebrows.

"Of course, why wouldn't I?" She replied, but Lyla shook her head.

"No, I mean, do you like Jax?" She asked, and Brooklyn's eyes widened.

"I-I don't know." Brooklyn murmured, unsure of her own feelings.

"Well, how does he make you feel when he's around?" She asked, causing Brooklyn to bite her lip.

"I'm not sure. He makes me smile, and he can make me laugh." She replied, and Lyla bit her lip as well.

"Brook, I want you to think about this while you're at the party with him tonight and tell me tomorrow when you come to pick up Piper for ice cream." Lyla said, and Brooklyn quickly agreed.

      Soon Brooklyn and Lyla heard Jax's bike coming down the street. Lyla quickly grabbed her bag, deciding to leave as soon as Brooklyn did, so she wouldn't have to leave the house unlocked. Lyla didn't know that Brooklyn was an original, so nothing could kill her, even if it was an intruder. Brooklyn slipped her phone in her pocket, before she and Lyla headed out of the house. Jax pulled into the driveway almost as soon as the two girls made it outside. Jax smirked when he seen how amazing Brooklyn looked in her outfit. He wouldn't tell her, but her breasts looked perfect in the vest she was wearing.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Lyla said, as she kissed Brooklyn's cheek.

"Seen you tomorrow, love." Brooklyn replied, before Lyla walked over to her car, climbed in, and drove away.

"You look great, Brook. Trying to impress my mom?" Jax commented, causing Brooklyn to scowl playfully at him.

"I always look great, Jax. I don't need anyone's approval." She replied, and he grinned cheekily.

"Of course you don't, darlin'." He answered, as he handed her a helmet.

     She slid the helmet on her head, though she technically didn't need it. She used the helmet to humor Jax, since she didn't want anyone knowing the truth about her. She had to stay hidden, and the only way for that to happen is if she played the human role very well.

      Anyhow, once they arrived at TM, or really Jax's clubhouse, Brooklyn stepped off the bike and handed the helmet back to Jax. She looked around and admired the bikes and some of the cars that were parked in the lot, but she frowned when she seen all the skimpy dressed girls walking around. She didn't like seeing girls with their asses and breasts hanging out of their clothes, as they paraded themselves around men who did not having any good intentions in mind while staring at the women. She also seen many guys with kittens just like Jax's, but she didn't stare at them, since she didn't want to seem like she was interested or a threat of any kind.

"Gemma wants to see you before we go inside." Jax said, and Brooklyn nodded.

     Jax brought the girl to the office where Gemma was sitting, since she wanted to finish some work she had before she went to enjoy the party herself. Jax knocked on the open door, letting Gemma know he and Brooklyn had arrived.

"Hey baby." Gemma said, as she greeted Brooklyn with a kiss on the cheek.

       Jax smirked, knowing Gemma seemed to really like Brooklyn. He wondered if that was Gemma's intention all along when she sent him to bring Brooklyn home on her first day of work.

"I'm glad you came. Maybe you can keep some of these crow eaters away from my boy." Gemma said, and Brooklyn furrowed her eyebrows.

"Ma." Jax warned, but Gemma simply smirked.

"You brought a girl, Jax, don't let any of these other girls on your lap tonight," Gemma retorted, and Jax scowled,"Besides, I like Brook. I'd rather she stayed around for awhile, without one of the whores trying to jump on you." She added, smiling over to Brooklyn.

      Brooklyn wondered if she should even be a part of the conversation, but she knew Gemma and Jax wouldn't let her leave. Gemma wanted the two to be together, and Jax didn't want her leaving his side in fear that she'd like one of his brothers more. He was territorial, even if he didn't always show it...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. I wasn't sure how much to add to this chapter, but I figured not too much, otherwise it wouldn't seem right.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

Love, A Vampire's Greatest Weakness (SOA/TVD/TO Crossover)*discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now