Chapter Four

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After a couple of days staying in the house, too scared to leave in fear Mikael would find her, Brooklyn finally decided to go and explore the small town she had chosen to inhabit for at least the next month or so, depending on how long it would take Niklaus to finally rid the world of their father.

Taking a quick shower, she went through all the clothes she had packed and brought with her. After realizing she hadn't packed enough clothes, she decided she was going to go shopping for clothes soon, probably the next day, since she had decided to explore today. Once she had picked out her outfit, she slipped it on and checked herself out in the mirror.

 Once she had picked out her outfit, she slipped it on and checked herself out in the mirror

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Walking out of her room, she looked around and seen the owner of the house wasn't around. Shrugging her shoulders, she walked out of the house and got into her car. Looking over, she seen a few people glancing her way. The smirk she and Niklaus practically always wore fit itself on her face, as she glanced at the three people as she passed their house.

She had studied the people for a moment as she passed. One was a lady, whom she assumed was Donna Winston. The man next to the woman wore dark clothes, a beanie, and had dark hair, she assumed was Donna's husband, Opie Winston. The other man, standing in front of the couple, had blonde hair, wore jeans, a hoodie, a kutte, and a black cap on his head. Brooklyn couldn't deny that the blonde man was attractive, but she didn't know his name.

Driving around the town, she realized just how small it actually was. After about an hour, she decided that shopping for clothes wasn't going to be so hard. So, she pulled up outside a shop and went inside. She picked many outfits, as well as shoes and accessories, before walking up to the cashier and had her ring up the items.

"That'll be--" The lady began, before Brooklyn took off her sunglasses and smirked.

"Free." Brookyln compelled, and the lady smiled.

"Free. Have a good day." The lady replied, before Brooklyn put back on her sunglasses and carried her bags out to her car.

She placed the bags in the trunk, before going to another shop to get whatever other things she would need. While shopping, she wondered if she should consider getting herself a place, but decided against it. She knew if she had a human that owned the house, then she wouldn't have to worry about Mikael being able to get in and kill her easily.

Three hours had passed, by the time she decided to go and stop for a bite to eat. She wanted fresh blood, but she didn't know how much she was going to risk yet. Deciding against jumping a civilian, she walked into a diner and ordered some food. The food was pretty good, but she still wanted fresh blood.

Maybe I should grab someone from out of town, she said to herself, before a smirk graced itself on her lips. Dropping a twenty on her table, she left the diner and headed back to the house she had inhabited for the time being. As she stopped at a four-way, she her a bike stop next to her. Looking over, she seen the same blonde she had seen at the Winston place. The man looked over and smiled at her, causing her to smirk back, as she drove off soon after.

As soon as she was at "her" house, she carried all of her things into the room she was given, before putting everything away. She wasn't one to leave her things scattered everywhere, so she knew she'd want everything put away before she left to get her meal. After everything was put away, she looked outside and seen the sun had been going down. A grin plastered itself on her face, before she made her way outside and used her vampire speed to leave town and find her next victim. She ended up in Nevada for her victim, which didn't matter to her.

She walked down the street, seeing a few people walking around, but most of them were in pairs. When she was starting to become disheartened, she finally found herself a victim. A young woman, with shoulder length dark hair and brown eyes. She carried herself as if she was "all that," but it didn't phase Brooklyn. She made her way over to the lady, stopping her dead in her tracks.

"Can you help me, I think I'm lost." Brooklyn said, her fake American accent coming through.

"No, I have places to be. I don't have time for streetwalkers." The woman replied, causing Brooklyn to gasp.

"You Americans are so rude. There's no wonder you're alone." Brooklyn spat, losing her fake accent.

"W-what?" The woman stuttered, surprised by Brooklyn's accent change.

Brooklyn grabbed the woman by her neck, slamming her against a wall, before taking off her sunglasses and placing them on top of her head.

"You will not scream. This will only hurt...a lot." Brookyln compelled, before she felt her fangs come out.

She latched herself on to the woman's throat, drinking every bit of her blood, before letting her body hit the ground.

"You tasted pretty good for a rude bitch." Brooklyn commented, as she picked up the woman's dead body.

She carried the lady to a hill, before she threw the lady down the hill, making it look like she fell down the hill and died. Once the body was disposed of, Brooklyn made her way back to Charming, walking into the house she inhabited around midnight. Walking into her room, she looked in the mirror and smirked. Blood was still evident on her face, but she didn't care. She wanted to feel as dangerous as she was, even if she was scared that any day could be her last because of Mikael...


A/N: I hope you liked this chapter. I'm pretty sure you guys have realized that I don't update this story often, but I hope each update is great. Also, the picture of her outfit, does not include her hair. Her hair is the same shade as Klaus's, so the brown isn't right. I couldn't find that outfit with blonde hair.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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