Chapter One

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It had been over a thousand years, but NiKlaus and Brooklyn had finally broken the curse. The curse some people knew as "the sun and moon curse," though said curse was not real. The curse they had broke was a curse placed on Nik and Brook over a thousands years ago. Their mother had placed the curse upon them, to force their wolf forms to lay dormant until said curse was broken. Many years had passed before Nik and Brook were finally able to revoke the curse bestowed upon them.

Many things tried to get in their way, which included a couple young vamps and a Bennett witch, but what hurt the most was that their own brother, Elijah, had decided to work against them. After the curse was lifted and they began to feel the change, Elijah tried to rip their hearts straight from their chests. He claimed he was fighting for their family, though Brook did not believe him one bit.

"Brook, we've got to get moving. You need to have everything packed for our ventures." Nik stated, as he entered the room Brook was currently residing in.

Nik and Brook had taken over a town's person's house. The person happened to be close friends with the doppelganger and the Salvatore brothers, making it easy to spy on them. They never suspected the history teacher, Alaric Saltzman, to end up being possessed by Nik. Damon Salvatore, as well as his brother Stefan, had tried to protect him, even after finding out he was possessed. Though Damon wouldn't openly say that, especially not in front of the Bennett witch and the doppelganger, better known as Bonnie Bennett and Elena Gilbert.

Anyhow, now that they had successfully sacrificed the doppelganger, a vampire and a werewolf, they were able to complete the ritual and break the curse. Brook didn't feel any hint of pity for the doppelganger, though they had changed her aunt, Jenna Sommers, into a vampire for their convience. Now that they're both dead, well, it really didn't matter to Brook at all.

"I'm going Nik, there's no need to hurry. The wolves will still be there for us when we are ready for them, big brother." Brook commented, though her words just caused Nik to scowl.

"If we ponder in our place too long, I know word will get out and we will not be able to create our army. Don't get in the way of success, dear sister." Nik scolded, as she rolled her eyes and began to pack her bags.

Ever since they were children, Nik had always treated her better than he had treated our other siblings. Maybe it was because they were full-blood brother and sister, or maybe it was because they only had each other when it came to being hassled by their step father, Mikael. Mikael hated them once he learned their mother had been unfaithful, twice, having the both of them as a result of her infidelities.

Though Nik may have treated her better, Brook looked up to him more than anyone else. He was almost like the father figure she had always needed, especially after Mikael killed their real father. Nik protected her since birth, even after they had become practically indestructible, he still protected and cared for her. As he did her, she did Kol, since Kol seemed to be misunderstood by their siblings.

Whilst they all seemed to despise Kol, she cared for him through everything. Even now, as he laid daggered in his coffin, she still cared for him deeply. If only one day he were to be undaggered, but that day was sure not to come any time soon. She was sure of it, as much as she was sure that Elijah betrayed them out of a whim.

"We have things to take care of before we leave, little sister." Nik said, as he paced the hallway between his room and Brook's.

"We will leave afterward, yeah?" She asked, causing Nik to nod.

"Yes and I do not plan on coming back anytime soon." Nik commented, as she frowned.

"Alright." She murmured, though Nik stopped and turned to her.

"What is the matter, Brook?" He asked, as he began to enter her room.

"I quite like it here, Nik. This place is our home and I want to come back." Brook stated, though all Nik did was sigh.

"Brooklyn, that is not the easiest thing for us. We don't even have a place to reside, as of this moment. I don't know what you expect me to do. Besides, the Salvatores hate us, as does everyone else." Nik replied, making her nod sadly.

"I understand, Nik, I do. I just believe that we'd be better off here, at least for a while. Besides, the town may hate us, but their fear of us is stronger. If you will, I would like to live here." She said, as Nik pursed his lip.

"You never make anything easy, never. You always want things to turn out your way. I'm trying to protect you and I'm trying to build our army. I can't do that when you have me bowing to your every command." Nik spat, which made her angry.

"That is untrue. I try so very hard to listen to everything you have to say. I follow your stupid rules and I follow you every where you want to go around the bloody world. You never see past your own self, NiKlaus. You never see past the fact that I'm not a child who needs protecting." Brook retorted, causing Nik to throw his hands up in the air in anger.

"Fine! We'll build a place in this bloody town, Brooklyn!" He exclaimed, before stomping out of the room.

She smirked to herself, as she continued to pack her bag. She knew she had him wrapped around her finger, though she knew deep down, she was wrapped around his as well. They were one of the same, broken souls that needed each other...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. So, here's the thing about this story, I'm not sure how long it'll actually be and I'm not sure which story line I'll follow more. I want both to be in the book but I'm not sure which will be more prominent. Also, I'm not even sure how far this story will go, since I've never written a crossover such as this one before, and I don't remember seeing one either. Also, the chapters will be in third person, so you'll have a better understanding of many different people and their feelings. (Ugh! Feelings! Such pesky little things.)

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

Love, A Vampire's Greatest Weakness (SOA/TVD/TO Crossover)*discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now