Chapter Seven

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     Brooklyn was lead into the porn studio by Gemma. Gemma brought the original over to a woman with dirty blonde hair, who was talking to one of her many porn stars.

"Luann, this is the girl I was telling you about. Her name is Brooklyn Mikaelson, and she's here to be your financial worker. She'll be filing everything and keeping up with your all your money and expenses." Gemma stated, as she introduced Luann and Brooklyn.

"Nice to meet you Brooklyn. I'll show you to your office, and introduce you to my girls soon." Luann said, and Brooklyn nodded.

"I'm going to head to TM, Luann," Gemma commented, before turning to Brooklyn,"I'll give you a ride at four when your shift is over." She added, a smirk plastered on her lips.

     Brooklyn agreed, before Luann took her arm and brought her to her new office. The office wasn't huge, but it wasn't small either. She had plenty of room where she wouldn't feel claustrophobic, but at the same time, she didn't have too much room where she'd feel like she was stuck in a huge empty space.

"The computer hasn't been used really, so if you want to try and file everything on the computer, you can. Normally we just write everything down and keep it in all these stacks," Luann said, as she pointed towards the stacks and stacks of messy files,"the filing cabinet over there is new. You can file the papers in there, then put everything on the computer if you feel like it. I will also have you handling our weekly orders, meaning every time I need a new order of something, I will have you order. The list of numbers for our suppliers are in this file." She added, as she handed Brooklyn the singular file that was placed on top of a printer.

"Were all of these files written on regular paper or printed?" Brooklyn asked, as she eyed the stacks of files.

"Written, but I have plenty of ink and printer paper for you to be able to type and print them if you want them filed like that. It's all up to you, since you're the one handling all the financial stuff. I'm leaving all the decisions up to you. Matter of fact, if you're good at getting deals, try and get better deals from suppliers." Luann replied, and Brooklyn smirked slightly.

"I'm great at making deals. I always seem to get what I want." Brooklyn commented, but Luann didn't pick up the cryptic part of her comment.

"Great!" Luann answered, a smile on her face,"I'll introduce you to the girls during lunch." She added, and Brooklyn nodded.

      Luann soon left, leaving Brooklyn to begin with everything that was thrown all over in the office. The first thing Brooklyn did was begin to set up an empty page for finances on the computer. She had learned how to set up pages for such things because she had gone to college for a couple years. According to Klaus, going to college was worthless, but she had decided to go for the hell of it. Her major was small child care, mostly so she could be a teacher for little children. She didn't plan on being a real teacher, but if she had decided to actually get a job, she'd rather work with little kids instead of adults.

"Money lady, whatcha up to?" A voice asked, walking into the room.

    Brooklyn looked up and seen a petite blonde in very skimpy clothes. Smiling, Brooklyn turned away from her work to address the woman in the doorway of her office.

"Hey, what's up?" Brooklyn asked, as she laid down her pen.

"Luann told me to come meet you, since I was finished filming for the day," The blonde said, walking further into the office,"I'm Lyla." She added, smiling brightly at Brooklyn.

"I'm Brooklyn, it's nice to meet you Lyla." Brooklyn replied, as she nodded slightly at Lyla.

"How are you liking it here so far?" Lyla asked, causing the Mikaelson girl to shrug.

"It's not bad. My job is easy, and I'm not bored the entire time I'm here. It's a weird to be working in a porn studio though, but I'll get use to it." Brooklyn answered, and Lyla laughed.

"It's not as bad as it seems on the first day. Besides, as long as you don't wander too far into the filming area, you should be fine. Otherwise, Luann may get too many new ideas. You don't want to be sucked into them, unless you signed up for it of course." Lyla commented, making Brooklyn quickly shake her head.

"My brothers would murder me if they found out I did anything besides the financial stuff for a porn business. I don't hate on you girls, but I would never participate. It's not my scene." Brooklyn said, and Lyla laughed again.

      Brooklyn and Lyla became quick friends, despite their major differences in lifestyle and career choices. Lyla had introduced Brooklyn to the other porn stars, but Brooklyn didn't really become close to any of them. Honestly, Brooklyn believed Ima was a bit of a bitch. Brooklyn knew if Ima got in her way, there was no way she'd be able to keep herself from possibly murdering the skanky woman who believed she was better than everyone else.

"You and I should hang out soon." Lyla said, as she packed up her purse.

"Definitely. I think we should hang out this Saturday. Maybe we can go out drinking or just hang out at the house and order some take out. Whatever you want to do." Brooklyn replied, and Lyla nodded.

"Uh, actually, I hope you don't mind, but I may not be able to get a sitter Saturday for my son Piper." Lyla commented, causing Brooklyn to smile.

"That's fine. He can come. We can have a movie night and order some pizza. I'll make a night where we can just hang out and have fun, which will include Piper as well." Brooklyn answered, and Lyla grinned.

"You're amazing, Brooklyn. I'm so glad I introduced myself to you." Lyla replied, bringing the original into a hug.

      Brooklyn wasn't planning on making too many friends, but she couldn't help herself. Lyla was such a nice girl, and Brooklyn was more than fine with befriending the girl. Maybe if she was going to be stuck in Charming for a while, she could make friends who'd last longer than a month or two...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. I wasn't sure if I was going to make Brooklyn and Lyla friends, but I decided Brooklyn needed more girl friends other than Gemma and Luann.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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