Chapter Fifteen

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A day or so had passed, but there was no sign of Rebekah. Brooklyn called her multiple times, but the younger sister never answered. Matter of fact, the phone seemed to never ring, instead the phone seemed to go directly to voicemail. Brooklyn was a little disappointed with her sister, mostly because she believed her sister was ghosting her. After a while though, Brooklyn became worried about Rebekah.

"I have to go to Mystic Falls. Something has to be wrong with Bekah." Brooklyn said, as she slipped on a pair of boots.

"Brook, are you sure? You're having a rough time and--" Lyla began, but Brooklyn shook her head.

"I have to go. I have a bad feeling." Brooklyn replied, causing Lyla to sigh.

"Fine, but you shouldn't be going alone. You're not in the right condition to be driving yourself." Lyla commented, but again Brooklyn shook her head.

"Lyla, I understand you want to help, but I have to do this on my own. Where I'm going, it's dangerous. I can't have you getting hurt. You have Piper, and you have your entire life here without any problems." Brooklyn said, making Lyla frown.

"You have a life here now, too. You have me and Piper, we love you. You have Jax and his son, even if you and Jax aren't together yet. We would be distraught if something happened to you." Lyla replied, and Brooklyn smiled.

"I promise I will try to come back, Lyla. It might be a few days, but I'll come back to see you and Piper again." Brooklyn murmured, causing Lyla to bite her lip.

"And Jax." Lyla added, causing Brooklyn to chuckle and roll her eyes.

"And Jax." Brooklyn repeated Lyla's words, making Lyla grin.

Brooklyn hugged Lyla and said goodbye, before walking over to her car. Once she was in the car, she drove as fast as she could to Virginia. On the ride, Jax called Brooklyn to figure out where she was and why she had left. When he had offered to catch up with her and travel the rest of the way to Virigina with her, she quickly disagreed with him and promised that she was fine. She couldn't pull him into her life, though she knew if she stayed close with Lyla or Jax much longer she would accidentally pull them into her rough life.

Hours later, Brooklyn arrived in Mystic Falls. She drove straight to the Mikaelson manor, where she was told Niklaus' body was being held. Going inside, her eyebrows furrowed when she didn't hear anything going on inside of the house. Frowning, Brooklyn slowly walked through the house ready to fight anyone that was waiting in the house to attack. She stopped in her tracks when she came to her brother's bedroom. The door was closed, making her wonder if the coffin was stored in his room.

Shaking her head, Brooklyn went back downstairs and soon found herself in the room where Niklaus had planned to turn into Brooklyn's music room once they were safe to stay in Mystic Falls together again. Walking into the room, her eyebrows furrowed when she seen the casket in the middle of the room. Slowly walking over to the casket, she grabbed the top of the casket and slowly pulled it up. When the casket opened and she seen her brother's body in the casket--all grey and a bit charred looking--her eyes widened. She quickly dropped the top of the casket closed to protect his body, before she quietly ran up the stairs to her brother's closed room. Lightly placing her hand on the doorknob, she twisted it slowly and cracked the door open.

"I was waiting for you to finally getting here, Brook." She heard a voice, and she quickly looked to see Tyler Lockwood standing in the middle of the room, holding a book in his hand.

"What are you doing in my brother's room?!" Brooklyn seethed, as she sped over to him and wrapped her fingers tightly around the hybrid's throat.

"Now, now, Brooklyn. Is that any way to treat your brother?" He asked, but the way he said it, Brooklyn realized it wasn't Tyler. 

"You complete ass, Niklaus Mikaelson! I thought you were dead! I was crying all day for you! I was so distraught, I was considering flipping my switch! I wouldn't have been able to live without you! You're my twin brother, and you didn't even consider telling me about anything that has gone on here since I left! How can I trust you, when you keep all of this from me?!" Brooklyn cried, causing Niklaus to frown.

"I'm sorry, Brook. I was trying to protect you. You know I always have a backup plan if something goes wrong. Besides, I knew you would come here, so I was going to tell you when you arrived. I can't have prying ears finding out that I'm actually alive. This secret can help me get back at the Scooby gang for incapacitating me in the first place." Niklaus said, making Brooklyn sigh.

"I was so upset, Nik. I could never deal with your death. If you were gone, I'd probably have figured out a way to die and be with you." Brooklyn replied, and Niklaus smiled at his sister.

"I missed you, little sister." He murmured, as he pulled the younger girl into his chest.

Knowing Niklaus was alive took a lot of weight off of her shoulders, but it also put a little more on her shoulders. She wondered how she would explain his presence when he arrived in Charming after she had told everyone that he had died. She knew she could lie, or she could easily compel everyone, but she didn't want to compel them at all. She wanted to live as normal of a life as possible to stay off the radar, but it seemed life just wasn't going to allow her to catch a break. She just hoped she wouldn't have to compel everyone's trust later because of everything in Mystic Falls coming back to follow her all the way to Charming...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. I am so sorry for never updating. Honestly, this story is important to me like every other story I write, but I haven't really felt as inspired with some of these stories. I don't want to put my stories on hold, but I can't make any promises, even though I love this story as much as all of my others.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

Love, A Vampire's Greatest Weakness (SOA/TVD/TO Crossover)*discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now