Chapter Twelve

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      Brooklyn had began to take Opie's kids out for ice cream with Piper each weekend, and Donna was actually grateful for it, even if she didn't show it very well

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      Brooklyn had began to take Opie's kids out for ice cream with Piper each weekend, and Donna was actually grateful for it, even if she didn't show it very well. Over the couple of weeks, Brooklyn had began to hang out with Jax more. Jax was around CaraCara often to see Brooklyn, even if it was only a brief visit. Jax had finally decided to bring Brooklyn to meet Abel, mostly to see how she reacted to him having a kid. If she didn't seem phased, well, than he knew she was the one for him. Tara wasn't going to be in the picture, he hoped it would be Brooklyn.

"Brook, what are you doing after lunch?" Jax asked, as he walked into Brooklyn's office.

       Luann had given Brooklyn half the day off, and Brooklyn wasn't sure why. Luann had come to her with the half day only this morning, which meant she was surprised that Jax had known about it. Furrowing her eyebrows, she looked over at the blonde in her doorway who was smiling at her.

"Nothing, I didn't even know about my half day until I came in. How do you know?" She asked, making him chuckle.

"I might've been the one to ask Luann to give you a half day with pay." He commented, causing her to roll her eyes playfully.

"So, what do you have planned for me today, Jax?" She asked, and he walked into the office.

      Jax shut the door behind him, not wanting any of the porn stars to be listening in on his conversation. He didn't know that Brooklyn had compelled all of them to mind their business if she had anyone in her office talking to her about anything. She had even compelled Luann, but she made double sure that Luann didn't remember her doing so. Jax sat down on the couch near her desk and sighed.

"Brook, what would you say if I told you I had a son?" He asked, causing her to bite her lip.

"I'd ask why you've been flirting with me, if you have a girlfriend." She replied, making him chuckle and shake his head.

"I don't have a girlfriend. Wendy, my son's mother, is my ex-wife. She's a junkie who almost killed my son when she was still pregnant. He's still in the hospital, but he's getting better." Jax said, causing the girl to smile softly.

"I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm happy he's getting better. What's his name?" She asked, and Jax smiled as well.

"His name is Abel. I was wondering if you'd like to come meet him." He commented, making her nod.

"I'd love to meet your son, Jax." She replied, causing him to grin.

       Once lunch was over, Brooklyn was able to leave the porn studio. She climbed into her car and followed Jax to St. Thomas. He led her inside and straight to the NICU where Abel was staying. He held the door open and allowed the girl inside. Brooklyn stood over the small baby, a smile evident on her face. She had never really seen many babies, since she was a dangerous hybrid and everyone seemed to fear her. Nobody wanted her around their children, not when she was a monster. Honestly, the hybrid was glad that Jax and the rest of Charming didn't have any idea of who she was or what she was.

"He's adorable, Jax." Brooklyn said, and Jax smiled.

"Would you like to feed him?" Jax asked, causing the girl to nod.

"I-if that's alright with you." She replied, and he simply chuckled.

       Jax picked up his small son and placed him in the girl's arms. She sat down in a rocking chair, before a nurse brought a bottle to her. Brooklyn began to feed the baby, as Jax watched with a content smile on his face. Tara walked passed the room and frowned, seeing the new girl in the room, as well as seeing the smile on Jax's face. She could tell from the smile on Jax's face, that Jax was infatuated with this girl, and Tara was not happy about it. She knew she had no chance though, since Gemma was so controlling and would never let her son around her again, not after she left him for Chicago years ago.

      Jax felt eyes on him, causing him to turn his head. His smile faded when he seen Tara staring at him. He gave the woman a nod, before he turned back to the hybrid holding his son.

"You've got him? I've got to talk to his doc." Jax commented, and Brooklyn nodded.

"Go ahead, we're just fine here." She replied, sending the blonde a smile.

       Jax smiled back at her, before letting the smile drop when he walked out of the room.

"Who's she? A new flavor of the month?" Tara asked, causing Jax to sigh.

"Tara, you're Abel's doctor, nothing else. I-I can't handle another heartbreak like you gave me." He said, causing the girl to scowl.

"And she won't break your heart? She doesn't even look that old, Jax." The woman retorted, making Jax shrug.

"So, she's younger. She's a nice girl, and I really like her. I've introduced her to some of the club and they like her, so does Gemma, even Abel seems to like her." Jax replied, and Tara sighed.

"What about us, Jax?" She asked, but he shook his head.

"There's no 'us,' Tara. There won't be again. I want Brooklyn, and that's final. You keep taking care of my son, and you and I won't have any problems." Jax stated, before he turned around and walked back into the NICU with Brooklyn and Abel.

      Jax knew what he wanted, and there was no way to change his mind. One way or another he was going to have Brooklyn, and he couldn't wait until she was his. She was one of the most down to earth girls he'd ever met. He wondered if she was the one he was meant to be with in the end...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. It's hard to write chapters for this story, since it's so hard to think of ideas, but here's a chapter!

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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