Chapter Three

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Once she arrived in Charming, Brooklyn drove around the small town to find the perfect house to hide out in. She drove passed many different white picket fence houses, but none of them stood out to her. A rather nice house with a garden in front stood out to her though, making her smile lightly. She pulled into the driveway and stepped out of her car. Walking up to the front door, she knocked lightly and waited for the owner of the house to come out.

"Can I help you?" The old lady asked, as she opened the front door.

"Yes, can I use your phone? Mine died, so I can't get ahold of my brother. He's very sick right now, but I have no way to contact him. I've already asked a few other people, but they slammed their doors in my face." Brooklyn lied, using her fake American accent.

"Sure, honey. Come on in." The lady answered, turning away from the door to allow Brooklyn to come inside.

A smirk played it's way on to Brooklyn's face, as she walked into the house. As soon as the door was closed, she turned around towards the old woman and lightly placed her hand on the woman's shoulder, gaining her attention completely.

"Thank you, Miss..." Brooklyn trailed off, causing the lady to smile.

"My name is Regina Dressmaker." The lady said, and Brooklyn smiled as well.

"Thank you, Miss Regina," Brooklyn replied, before she began to compel the elderly woman,"Do you have any children?"

"Yes, a son named Marcus and a daughter named Lydia." The lady answered, causing Brooklyn to nod.

"How old are they? Do they have families?" She asked, causing the lady to nod.

"Marcus was thirty five, but he died last year in a car accident. Lydia is twenty nine. Marcus has a son named Eric, he's six, and Lydia has twins, a boy and a girl, their names are Susan and Milo." The woman stated, causing Brooklyn to grin.

"Do you have any brothers or sisters? Nieces or nephews?" Brookyln asked, and the woman nodded once more.

"I have a sister named Lizabeth, and a brother named Roger. Roger died last year. Lizabeth has twelve kids, Mary, the oldest, is forty, Dolly is thirty nine, and so is her twin sister Dana. Marshall, Maisy, and Miranda are triplets, they're thirty five. Barbra is thirty. Adam and Cole are twenty nine. Trisha is twenty eight. Kitty is twenty five, and Lily is twenty two. Roger had two kids, Ben who is thirty, and Katherine who is twenty eight." The lady said, causing Brookyln to scowl.

The name Katherine made Brooklyn's blood boil, but she didn't want to kill the old lady because of Katherine, so she just shook off her anger.

"Grandkids?" Brooklyn asked, needing all the information she could get out of Regina.

"Lizabeth has eighteen grandkids, but only five of them are over eighteen. I haven't seen them in years. Roger had three grandkids though, Mila, who is six and Gunner, who is four, are Ben's kids, Deanna, who is three, is Katherine's kid. I see them sometimes when I have holidays and such here." She said, and Brooklyn sighed in relief.

Brooklyn almost believed Katherine had already claimed this family, but luckily the two Katherine's were completely different people.

"Alright, Miss Regina, if anyone asks, I am Roger's step daughter, Brooklyn. I'm not close to any other family, but I'm living with you until I can finally get back on my feet after the breakup with my boyfriend." Brookyln compelled, and Regina nodded.

Regina told her the story as well, monotone voice clear, which made Brooklyn know Regina's compulsion worked. Brooklyn could never be too sure of who had vervain and who didn't these days, but luckily for her, it seemed Charming may not be one of those places that use vervain.

"Brooklyn, it's so good to see you. I haven't seen you in years. I'm sorry about your breakup, I know he meant a lot to you. You're always able to stay here though. Your room is always open." Regina stated, leading Brooklyn back to a room down the hall.

Brooklyn followed the lady, and smiled when Regina opened the door and showed her a cozy bedroom. Regina left to let Brooklyn settle in, as Brooklyn looked around the room. The bed was a dark purple, the walls were a light grey, and all of the furniture was a beautiful dark brown. The furniture looked rather old, almost seemed antique, but she wasn't completely sure. Anyone would believe Brooklyn should know if something was antique, since she could be labeled ancient, but still she wasn't too sure.

Looking out of her bedroom window, Brooklyn spotted a house across the street. In front of the house, was an older truck, not something she thought she'd see in a town like this. Anyhow, she studied the house for a moment, before she seen a woman and her two kids outside. Smiling slightly, she watched as the two kids ran around and the mother watched them with a smile on her face. Brooklyn wished her life was like that when she was younger, but sadly it was no where near that nice.

"Are you ready for lunch, dear?" Regina adked, walking into the room.

"Who are those people?" Brooklyn asked, pointing towards the other house.

"Oh, that's the Winston's. The lady's name is Donna, and her husband's name is Opie. Their two kids are named Kenny and Ellie. Opie just got out of prison actually. He's not a bad guy though, he got caught up in the wrong place at the wrong time." Regina answered, bringing Brooklyn out for lunch.

Brooklyn knew what it was like to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, but her situation was definitely different from Opie's. At least, Brooklyn knew she might not be too different from some of the people in Charming. The only difference would be that she was a hybrid...


A/N: I hope you liked this chapter. It may have seemed a bit boring, but you guys needed to see how Brooklyn worked her way into people's homes and families to blend in. Soon you guys will be seeing hust how different and alike she can be with Charming.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

Love, A Vampire's Greatest Weakness (SOA/TVD/TO Crossover)*discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now