Chapter Eight

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       Brooklyn hung out with Lyla the rest of the day when she wasn't busy. Of course, Lyla helped her with her work, even though Brooklyn really didn't need any help. Brooklyn could pretty much do anything by herself, so she just agreed to the help since Lyla wanted to hang out. When the day had ended, Brooklyn recieved a call from Gemma.

"Hey Brooklyn, I'm currently swamped in paperwork at TM, but I'm sending a ride for you. Good thing you're wearing pants, you'll be riding a bike." Gemma stated, before she quickly hung up the phone, not giving Brooklyn a chance to say anything to her.

     Brooklyn sat back down in her seat in her office, deciding to continue filing paperwork, as she waited for whoever her ride was going to be. As she was organizing things in alphabetical order, she heard a motorcycle pull into the parking lot. She didn't call attention to it, since she knew any of the girls could've also been getting a ride with someone who owned a motorcycle. Placing a file into the filing cabinet, Brooklyn heard a knock on the doorway of her office, causing her to turn around quickly. In the doorway stood a man with blonde hair and blue eyes. He wore baggy blue jeans, a grey tshirt that had 'SONS' on the front, his kutte over the shirt, and a hat that was turned backwards with the words, 'reaper crew' sewn on it.

"You're Brooklyn Mikaelson, right?" He asked, causing the girl to nod.

"Yes, and you are?" She retorted, crossing her arms.

     Brooklyn had never met this man before, so she had to be cautious around him. Sure, Gemma was supposed to be sending her a ride, meaning the person would know her name, but at the same time, Mikael was looking for her, so he could easily compel anyone to look for her and find her when he couldn't.

"I'm Jax, Jax Teller. My mother, Gemma, sent me to give you a ride home; said she had given you a ride this morning, so you didn't have your own car at Cara Cara." Jax answered, causing Brooklyn to nod.

"Yeah, sorry about being so rude. When a guy asks for you, you can't help but be a little cautious." She commented, and he simply chuckled.

"That's fine. I understand." He answered, a smile evident on his face.

     Brooklyn liked how nice Jax had seemed to be towards her. She wondered if this was Gemma's way of setting them up. She did thing the guy was pretty attractive, and she wouldn't mind getting to know him, but she somewhat doubted a relationship was a good idea when it came to the problems she was having in her life.

      Jax believed Brooklyn was hot. He was glad that Gemma had made him meet the woman, since he had never talked to her before. He had seen her one time when he was riding to TM, and at that time he wanted to know who she was. The woman was nice, and her personality wasn't as slutty and condescending as he had been use to. He kind of wanted to get to know the girl, but he wasn't sure how that was going to work. He wondered if he could stop a few times at Cara Cara to 'bring her lunch,' even though it's mostly a ploy to talk to the woman he had instantly been attracted to.

       Anyhow, Jax brought Brooklyn out to his bike and handed her a helmet. She slipped the helmet on to her head and secured it. Though she knew she wouldn't die if she had gotten into an accident without the helmet, she decided to humor Jax and wear the helmet he had given her. As she sat behind him on the bike, she could smell his scent. He smelt of smoke, oil, and leather, which made quite a bit of sense to Brooklyn.

"Thank you for the ride, Jax." Brooklyn said, as she stepped off of his bike.

"No problem, darlin'. Call me if you ever need another ride or something." He replied, as he handed his phone to Brooklyn.

      She quickly put her number in his phone and sent herself a text so she could save his number in her own phone. She smiled cheekily at Jax, giving him a playful wink when she handed his phone back to him.

"I've got to get back, but I'll see you real soon." He commented, smirking at the girl when she seemed to smile at the thought of seeing him again.

"I hope so." She replied, before leaning forward and placing a kiss on his cheek.

      Jax pulled off soon after, a smile staying on his face as he reminisced about the cheek kiss Brooklyn had given him. He also reminisced about her voice, seeing as she was the only person he had ever met that had a slight British accent. Brooklyn had tried to cover her accent, but since it was so think, she could only somewhat cover it. Jax really liked her accent; it was something that pulled him in more than her kiss did. He honestly believed she was one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen, and she had one of the best personalities. He tried to hate himself for finding another woman attractive when he wasn't sure about himself and Tara's relationship, but he couldn't help himself. Brooklyn pulled him in more than Tara did when they first met.

      Brooklyn enjoyed Jax's company, and she hoped to see him again. There were many things that went bad in her life, and were continuing to go bad, but she hoped Jax was one of the good things. Even if he was only going to be her friend, she would still want him around. She knew Klaus would be angry with her, since he didn't want her becoming attached to anyone, knowing they would eventually leave her heartbroken. He wanted to protect his sister from heartbreak, and she understood, but she almost wondered if she could defy that just this once...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. Yes, they have a sudden liking towards each other, but it won't be too cliche.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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