Chapter Nine

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       Brooklyn had officially been working at Cara Cara for a week, and she could honestly say that it hadn't been too bad

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       Brooklyn had officially been working at Cara Cara for a week, and she could honestly say that it hadn't been too bad. Lyla and Brooklyn had scheduled their hangout night for the next day, so Brooklyn made sure she completed all of her work, and didn't leave any paperwork for home. Normally she would take some paperwork home and go over it throughout the night, but she made sure not to do it this night, since she wanted plenty of rest before her day of hanging out with Lyla.

      In all honesty, Brooklyn had to find herself a human to feed on before her night with Lyla, since she hadn't fed in almost a week. Normally she would feed every night to every other night, but now that she was trying to lay low, she couldn't exactly feed all the time and on whoever she felt like feeding on. She still hadn't fed on a local of Charming yet, but she believed sooner or later one of the people in town would make her angry enough to kill them.

       As she was typing away on her computer, Brooklyn heard a knock on the doorway of her office. Looking up, she smiled when she seen Jax Teller standing in the doorway. He was dressed in his normal baggy jeans, white shoes, and backwards hat, but this time he was wearing a white tshirt under his kutte.

"Hey darlin', have a few minutes for lunch?" Jax asked, as he pulled a takeout bag and two drinks out from behind his back.

"Yes, please. I haven't eaten all day. I've been trying to finish all my work, so I can have the weekend free. Lyla's supposed to come over to my place tomorrow with her kid, and I need rest before I can deal with people on weekends." Brooklyn replied, and Jax chuckled.

      Jax walked into the office and sat down on the small couch near the door. Luann had placed a black, faux leather couch in Brooklyn's office, once she had realized how often the girls would go in there to visit her when they were taking breaks between shoots. Brooklyn had placed the couch near the door, by a large window that looked out into the studio. She had put blinds up as well, but she really never closed them unless she absolutely had to, such as if she was trying to keep from seeing one of the male porn stars have a bottle shoved up his ass. She felt as though she had been scared for life when she had seen that for the first time, and she vowed to never witness something like that again.

"How're you liking Charming?" Jax asked, causing the girl to shrug.

"It's different from some of the other places I've lived, but it's not terrible. I like how warm it is here, and how sunny and bright the days are. I hope my brother can come see where I live soon, but he's so busy." Brooklyn replied, and Jax nodded.

"What does your brother do?" Jax asked, making a sly smirk make it's way on to Brooklyn's face.

"Well, he doesn't exactly have a job, but we have a lot of things to deal with when it comes to our mother's side of the family. She caused a lot of problems when she was alive, so my brother is the person who has to deal with it. He sent me away to finally have a chance to have a normal life without issues caused by my mother's past." Brooklyn said, trying to tell as much truth as she could, though she knew nobody was allowed to know the truth, unless Klaus said otherwise.

      Brooklyn still hadn't gotten any word from Klaus, which made her stomach fill with butterflies. She believed by now he would've taken care of Mikael, or at least ran from him to stay alive. She wondered if Mikael had finally gotten the best of him and settled their fight once and for all, with the outcome being Klaus's death. Brooklyn couldn't lose her brother, she wouldn't be able to live with herself if he had died. She'd most likely kill herself if she had to live without her brother, even if he was a pain in the ass. Hell, she'd be too upset to live without any of her brothers or sister, even if they caused her countless amounts of problems so often.

"Do you feel like going to a party next Friday?" Jax asked, causing the girl to look at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"Where?" She asked, unsure of how to answer his question.

"At TM. We're having a small party at our clubhouse. There's many things you don't know about us, but if you show up to the party and chill with me for a while, I may just fill you in on some things going on in Charming." Jax said, and Brooklyn smiled.

"Sounds fun, but im not sure my brother would be too happy that I went to a party with a bunch of bikers." She commented, and he smirked.

"I see you can recognize a kutte," He murmured, and she nodded,"Well, if you don't tell your brother, then I won't either. Let it be our little secret,"He offered, and she smiled,"I'd really like get to know you, Brook, if you'd let me." He added, as he smiled charmingly at her.

"I'd like that," She replied, as she took a sip of her drink,"I'll be at your party Friday night, but you might have to send me the directions to your little club house." She said, and he chuckled.

"Don't worry, darlin', I'll come pick you up and bring you to my little club house." He answered, causing her to force away a blush.

        Brooklyn couldn't deny that she was definitely attracted to Jax Teller.

"I'll let you know what time closer to the day." He said, and she nodded.

       She wondered if going to the party was a good idea, but she figured one bad decision wouldn't hurt...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. So, do you guys want a chapter based on Lyla and Brooklyn's night, or should I just skip ahead?

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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