Chapter Thirteen

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      Weeks had passed, Brooklyn and Jax had gotten closer. Brooklyn would often visit Abel with Jax, and she had even visited the small boy with Gemma as well. She and Gemma had become somewhat friends, even though Brooklyn and Jax were pursuing each other. One might say she and Jax were together, though they hadn't been too serious in their relationship for long.

"Brook, Luann said she needs your eyes for the day. The guy who normally helps her flaked or something. Anyway, she wants your help." Ima said, walking into Brooklyn's office.

      Ima wasn't really a fan of Brooklyn, but she knew better than to piss the girl off. Once, when Sarah had pissed Brooklyn off, Brooklyn broke her entire hand with a simple squeeze of her hand. Luann was pissed, but she got over it. All of the girls now knew not to piss Brooklyn off though, so they didn't even give the girl an attitude when they had a bad day.

"Are you sure she doesn't have anyone else to help her watch over the porn? I'd rather not watch someone get a bottle shoved up their ass." Brooklyn commented, causing Ima to shake her head.

"No, she tried to find someone, but everyone else is busy." Ima replied, making Brooklyn groan.

"Fine! Tell her I'll be there in a minute." Brooklyn murmured, slamming her head against her desk in exasperation.

       Brooklyn turned off her computer, before slowly following Ima into the recording area. Luann had her own room off in the back of the recording area, where she watched the filming and made sure a scene didn't have to be taken more than once. Brooklyn walked through the recording area, grimacing at the things around her. As soon as she opened the door to the area where Luann was staying,  and she shook her head slightly.

"A little fun, huh?" Luann asked, smirking at Brooklyn.

"Not even." Brooklyn muttered, smiling teasingly at Luann.

      Brooklyn sat back on the comfortable leather couch in the room, but she wasn't too comfortable, since she was watching the screens with Luann. A grimace or gag would leave Brooklyn every so often, but she kept quiet for the most part. She did have to voice a few problems when they arised during the filming, but otherwise she stayed quiet.

"It's lunch time." Luann voiced, causing Brooklyn to sigh.

"I don't know if I can eat after watching that, or eat knowing I have to come back and watch more of that." Brooklyn commented, making Luann laugh out loud.

      Brooklyn followed Luann out of the room, scrunching her face up in disgust as she walked through the recording area again, and not even for the last time.

"Want to go out for lunch, or is VP bringing you lunch?" Luann asked, looking over at Brooklyn.

"I don't know, but I think going out to get food would be fine." Brooklyn replied, and Luann smiled.

      Luann decided to buy lunch, since she was the one to invite Brooklyn out for lunch. After lunch, the two went back to the studio and walked right back through the recording area. Brooklyn had decided to bring a bag of cheetos back in the room with her, since she wanted to try and keep herself from being so disgusted by the screens in front of her. Also, she hadn't fed in a few days, so she was trying to keep herself from feeding on one of the porn stars or camera men.

      By the time everything was over, Brooklyn was able to go straight back to her house. First stop though, she went out of town and snatched a random person off the street. Once she fed off of the person, she dug a hole and buried the body where nobody would find it. After she fed and buried the body, she headed back to Charming and went straight to her house.

       The human was out at the store buying groceries, so Brooklyn was home alone for the time being. After changing into more comfortable clothes, Brooklyn sat on her bed and began to write in her journal. She refused to call her journal a diary, so she always called it a journal. She believed the word "diary" was too girly and meant the book had to be filled with so many emotions, so she refused to use the word. As soon as she had finished writing in her journal, she heard a knock at the front door. She quickly stood from her bed, before walking to the door and opening it. Outside of the door stood Jax, which made the original hybrid smile. Jax stepped forward and pressed a kiss to the girl's lips, as she invited him inside.

"Hey, sorry I didn't stop by for lunch, I was busy with club stuff." Jax commented, causing the girl to shrug.

"It's fine, Luann and I went out for lunch anyhow." She replied, making him smile.

       As the two talked, Brooklyn's phone began to ring. With furrowed eyebrows, she looked down at the screen to see Rebekah was calling. After a moment of hesitation, Brooklyn seen Rebekah had called two times before, meaning whatever she was calling for must've been serious. With a sigh, Brooklyn answered the call and put the phone up to her ear.

"What's up, Rebekah?" Brooklyn asked, as soon as she answered the call.

"Brook, something happened." Rebekah said, tears in her eyes.

"What happened? What's wrong?" Brooklyn asked, hearing the sadness in Rebekah's voice.

"It's Nik, Brook. He's gone." Rebekah murmured, causing Brooklyn's heart to skip a beat...


A/N: I  hope you guys liked this chapter. The next chapter will be up shortly. What do you guys think?!

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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