Chapter Six

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"How long are you staying in Charming?" Gemma asked, causing Brooklyn to shrug.

"Don't know, but I'm hoping a while. I haven't decided yet; depends on how life plays out." Brooklyn replied, and Gemma nodded.

"Do you have a job?" Gemma asked, taking a sip of her drink.

"No, not yet. I have to find one." She answered, and Gemma bit her lip.

      Gemma couldn't help but think that Brooklyn could help her get rid of Tara and Wendy for good. Brooklyn was a beautiful girl, but Gemma didn't know much about her yet. She wanted to get to know the girl, but at the same time, she hoped the woman would be a good way for her to get rid of the women who have plagued her son's life and ruined many things for him. They were the reason he had made so many bad decisions in his life.

"What are you good at?" Gemma asked, as she smiled at the girl.

"A little bit of everything, I guess. I'm good at using computers, I can fight, and I'm great at making people do whatever I want." Brooklyn answered, and Gemma was thoroughly impressed.

"I would tell you to show me, but I don't want you breaking a nail fighting one of my boys. I have a friend that could use a woman behind her computer to keep track of her finances. How good are you with money and financial services?" Gemma asked, causing Brooklyn to shrug.

"I haven't tried, but I've been around when my sister buys new clothes, so it should be the same." Brooklyn replied, and Gemma nodded.

"Pretty much, and you don't have to be perfect. My friend doesn't work in the best type of business anyway." Gemma said, as she finished her drink.

"Where will I be working?" Brooklyn asked, definitely curious about the job Gemma seemed to give her so easily.

"Cara Cara. It's a porn studio in Charming. Luann Delaney will be the woman you're working for, but since I'm the one who referred you, she'll and you will come to me or one of my boys if you have a problem." She stated, and Brooklyn nodded warily.

       Brooklyn had never worked before, even when she was trying to act normal. She was use to getting what she wanted by compulsion, threats, and killing people, but now she was given a human job. She knew Niklaus would be disappointed in her, but at the same time he'd tease her for acting so human and foolish.

"You'll be starting at eight tomorrow. I'll drive you to work to show you where the studio is." Gemma stated, as she stood up from the table.

        Gemma left the restaurant soon after, Brooklyn left soon after. She needed time to accept what she had gotten herself into. A porn studio? Really? She questioned herself, as she ran her fingers through her hair. She went straight home, knowing she needed time to process before she went to work the next day.


       The next morning, Brooklyn woke up at seven in the morning. She decided she was going to look good for her first day, even though she was working in a porn studio. If she wasn't a disappointment to her parents before, she knew she definitely was now. After taking a warm shower, Brooklyn went to her closet and pulled out the perfect outfit for her first day of work.

         After getting dressed, Brooklyn walked out of her house and waited for Gemma

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         After getting dressed, Brooklyn walked out of her house and waited for Gemma. As soon as Gemma pulled up, she went over to her car and hoped inside.

"You look nice." Gemma commented, sending the Mikaelson girl a smile.

"Thank you. I normally try to look nice, since I don't want to be labeled as lazy or homeless." Brooklyn replied, causing Gemma to laugh slightly.

        Gemma liked the fact that Brooklyn wanted to always look nice. She believed Wendy dressed a bit like a crow eater, and Tara dressed like an old lady, literally an old lady, ya know, the ones with the canes and grey hair. Gemma believed that Brooklyn dressed the part well for a potential candidate as her son's new old lady, and not one of the two girls that have repeatedly caused Jax distress throughout his life.

"I'll pick you up when your shift ends. Saturday there's going to be a small fair, it's called Fun Town. Anyway, you should come. I think you'd have fun. You should meet me there, and I can introduce you to my boys." Gemma commented, and Brooklyn nodded.

     The more people Brooklyn surrounded herself with that were human, meant she'd have more protection from Mikael finding her. She promised Niklaus she'd be careful, so she knew hiding in plain sight was perfect.

"Sounds like a good idea to me. I'll make sure to show up." Brookyln replied, as she smiled at Gemma.

       Gemma and Brooklyn were forming somewhat of a friendship. Gemma may have secretly had an ulterior motive, but she also seemed to like the Mikaelson girl she had just met. Originally Brooklyn wasn't sure about befriending Gemma, but after somewhat getting to know the woman, she decided she wasn't too bad of company to keep.

"I have a son that's around your age. You and him might have some things in common. I'll make sure to introduce you to him Saturday." Gemma stated, a smirk playing on her lips.

      Brooklyn bit her lip, unsure of how to respond. She hadn't really been introduced to a guy in a long time. The last time someone introduced her to a boy was when she was still human. Once she had been turned, Niklaus had practically forbade her from being around anyone of the male species. She thought it was absurd, but she knew he was just trying to protect her.

      Since Niklaus wasn't around, Brooklyn believed she might have a chance to finally find herself a boyfriend. Maybe Gemma's son was a good candidate, or maybe he wasn't. Brooklyn didn't know yet, but she was sure to find out soon...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. I spent an hour on pinterest looking for the perfect outfit. Also, I was going to post this update tomorrow, but I was worried I'd be focusing on college stuff all day, so I needed to go ahead and have the update finished.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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