Chapter Fourteen

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"No, you're lying. Don't lie, Rebekah! He can't be gone! That's impossible! He and I are--" Brooklyn exclaimed, but Rebekah cut her off.

"I know, I know. Mother was back, Brook. She tried to link us, I'm surprised you didn't feel it. When she couldn't take us out, she used Alaric." Rebekah said, making Brooklyn sigh.

"That explains why I felt like that a few weeks ago," Brooklyn murmured, shaking her head,"How did she use Alaric? Wait--how did Mother come back? Did Mikael do it?" Brooklyn asked, standing from her seat to leave the room, so she could talk more freely without prying ears.

"Mikael is dead, Nik killed him. Nik was going to find you, but then the Salvatores got in the way. They're the reason Mother came back, as well as Kol, Finn, and Elijah, and they're the reason she wasn't able to kill us, since we forced them to sever the magic link Mother had with the Bennett witches. Mother and Finn disappeared, but when Alaric started becoming evil because of his magic ring, she used it to her advantage. When he was dying, she used a spell, binding him to Elena, so as long as Elena was alive, Alaric would be an original vampire hunter. He trapped Caroline and Elena in the school, Damon, Bonnie, and Klaus went after her. Instead of rendering Alaric to a frozen state, they did it to Nik instead. They stuffed him in a coffin. They were going to give him to me, so I could bring him to you. No matter how much I despised you both, I'd never separate you two," She informed, sighing slightly,"Alaric chased Damon and I down, finding us in a storage facility. We tried to hide Nik's body, but at the last minute...Mother made a white oak stake that could kill all of us, so he's--I'm  so sorry, Brook. I killed Elena for you though, so Alaric is dead. I will get revenge for our brother." Rebekah stated, as Brooklyn placed a hand over her mouth to try and keep from sobbing.

"Please tell me you're lying, Bekah." Brooklyn whimpered, the tears swelling in her eyes quickly.

"I'm sorry, Brook. You can come back to Mystic Falls to help me get revenge, or-or you can stay wherever you are and live your life the way Nik wanted you to." Rebekah commented, causing Brooklyn to sigh shakily.

"I-I don't know, Bekah." Brooklyn murmured, and Rebekah bit her lip.

"Can I know where you are so I can come see you?" Rebekah asked, making the girl take a deep breath.

"I-I promised Nik I wouldn't for my safety." She said, and Rebekah sighed.

"I know, but Mother and Mikael are gone. Please, I need you, Brook, and I know you need me, too." Rebekah whimpered, causing Brooklyn to bite her lip.

"Fine, I'm in Charming, California. I'll send you the address. Let me know how the revenge works." Brooklyn replied, as she typed out the address and sent it to Rebekah.

"I will, and I'll make sure they know it's from both of us for Nik." She answered, and Brooklyn felt a little happy.

"Where's his body?" Brooklyn asked, her voice small and full of sadness.

"In the manor. I won't have his body moved until you can come and say goodbye." Rebekah said, causing Brooklyn to nod shakily.

"I-I've got to go. I'll see you soon, little sister." Brooklyn murmured, before she ended the call.

       As soon as the call was ended, Brooklyn buried her face in her hands and began to sob. Her sobs were so loud and heartbreaking, which made it easy for Jax to hear. Jax quickly jumped from the couch and ran to find Brooklyn. Brooklyn had slid down the wall, falling to the floor with her knees pulled to her chest. Jax could hear her heartbreaking sobs and could see the shaking of her shoulders as she sobbed. He quickly ran over to her, sinking to the floor beside her, as he pulled her into his chest.

"What happened?" Jax asked, looking at the hybrid worriedly.

"He's gone, Jax! Nik is gone! My brother is gone!" Brooklyn cried, her voice breaking with her heart as she spoke each word.

        Jax knew how much it hurt to lose a brother, but he knew Brooklyn was closer to her brother than he ever was to Thomas or any of his club brothers. He knew he'd be in the same state if he lost Opie like Brooklyn lost her brother. Instead of talking, he just held the girl as she sobbed into his chest.

"You should lay down. Do you want me to bring you to your room?" Jax asked, causing Brooklyn to nod.

      Jax picked the girl up in his arms and carried her to her room. Jax had been in her room before, so he knew exactly where to go. He laid the girl down on the bed, before he kicked off his shoes and laid down in bed with her. He pulled her into his chest and held her close to try to comfort her.

       Brooklyn had a hard time falling asleep, since she could barely keep herself from crying long enough to try and fall asleep. Her eyes were sore from crying, but the more of she thought about Niklaus, the more she cried over his death. She had lost her best friend, her twin, her other half, and there wasn't a way in hell she'd ever get over it. She knew she'd cry over his death for a long time, probably for the rest of her immortal life if she was honest.

      Maybe it wouldn't hurt so bad if I turned off my emotions, she thought to herself, but she wasn't sure if she could go with such a decision. She'd leave behind Jax and all of the friends she made, but Niklaus was her twin brother and she just lost him. He was supposed to live forever, but he didn't. She wondered if she'd get through life without him. Closing her eyes once again, she decided to sleep on the choice of flipping her switch or not...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. So, what do you guys think? Was it sad? Should she turn off her emotions? Should everyone find out the truth already?

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

Love, A Vampire's Greatest Weakness (SOA/TVD/TO Crossover)*discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now