Chapter Two

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Once the siblings had gotten back to Mystic Falls, they figured out why their hybrids weren't working. Apparently John Gilbert had traded his life for Elena's, so for Elena to live, John died. They had believed the hybrids didn't work because Elena was still alive, but they later learned it was Elena's blood that made hybrids. With that being said, the twins were going to take Elena and leave town, but then things changed.

"They can't raise Mikael, Nik. He'll kill us." Brooklyn cried, causing Niklaus to sigh.

"I know, which is exactly why I'm going to take care of everything. I will tear out their tongues for even thinking of raising Mikael." Niklaus replied, as he and Brooklyn stood around the corridor in their newly constructed house.

"Are we going to run again, Nik?" She asked, causing her brother to give her sympathetic eyes.

"Brook, I'm going to do everything in my power to protect us, but sometimes running is our best choice. Once I have all of Elena's blood, you and I will run." He stated, and she nodded.

As the two siblings chatted, Niklaus began to realize that Damon and Stefan Salvatore may be more clever than their old rivals. He doubted it, seeing as they were very arrogant, and Stefan was still under Niklaus's compulsion. Stefan was ordered to speak truth, so there was no way they could get very far in plotting against Niklaus and Brooklyn.

"Sister, I believe you should leave first." Niklaus said, causing Brooklyn to turn towards him.

"What? Have you lost your mind, Nik? We've never ran alone." She replied, but her brother shook his head.

"I know, love, but it's better if we're split, at least, for a while. I will find you soon, Brooklyn, I promise. I just want to keep you safe. You are my little sister after all." Niklaus stated, as Brooklyn smiled sadly.

"Fine, I will leave. I'm not leaving the country though. I can not chance you being cornered by Mikael alone. I have to be close to help you." Brooklyn said, and Niklaus agreed.

"As long as you are safe, I will allow you to stay wherever you want. Do not fall for anyone's tricks, sister. You only return if I call, no one else. We can not trust anyone." Niklaus commented, as Brooklyn bit her lip.

"Rebekah?" She asked, making Niklaus frown.

"I do not know yet, but I have a feeling our dear sister may try to conspire against us, especially if Stefan and Damon show her any type of attention." He replied, and she frowned.

"I understand, I will stay away. I'll be waiting on your call, or for you to find me." Brooklyn stated, as Niklaus smiled slightly.

"Goodbye, sister. I will see you soon." Niklaus commented, and she wrapped her arms around him.

"Goodbye, brother. I love you." She replied, kissing his cheek.

Niklaus closed his eyes, relishing in the moment he had with his sister. When he opened his eyes, she was already gone. He knew she wouldn't be away from him forever, but even knowing she'd be gone for a while hurt him. They had been together since her birth, and every time they were apart it hurt them both. It was them against the world, so splitting them up really hurt them.

Brooklyn didn't have any idea where she would go, but she wanted to hide as great as possible. She didn't want to make it impossible for her brother to find her, but she didn't want Mikael to be able to find her either. The threat of Mikael being awakened scared the hell out of her. She, Niklaus, and their siblings had run from him before. They were lucky to get away then, but with the threat of the Salvatores and their friends, there was a chance the siblings wouldn't make it out alive.

Closing her eyes, Brooklyn picked up a coin and raised it in the air. In one quick motion, she dropped the coin on a map. Once the coin was laying flat, she looked at the location under the coin. Charming, she read to herself, a place she had never heard of before.

Biting her lip, Brooklyn typed in the city and was given directions. She was going to send the location to Niklaus, but she couldn't chance anyone else seeing where she was headed. She'd blow her cover, which was something the two did not want to happen. Believe it or not, they weren't completely self centered and heartless. The two cared for each other, and tried to protect each other every chance they got. Even though they were apart, they be there for the other if they needed them or were in danger.

"Please, Nik, be careful." Brooklyn murmured to herself, as she climbed into her black 67' Chevy Impala.

Believe it or not, Brooklyn had watched the Supernatural show before they came to Mystic Falls. She fell in love with Baby, so Niklaus went and compelled a replica of the car to be made for Brooklyn's birthday. Brooklyn was very thankful, so she went and had a car made for Niklaus, but in her opinion, it wasn't as amazing as her own.

"Goodbye, Mystic Falls." She whispered, seeing the sign that said she was leaving the small town.

Dread filled her belly, but she couldn't turn back now. She had promised her brother that she would leave and wait for him to find her. She almost couldn't believe she agreed, but she knew how stubborn they both were, so she didn't even bother to argue with him. They both needed to be safe, even if that meant splitting up. Brooklyn just hoped Charming was safe. She hoped she'd be safe from Mikael in Charming. If she had to leave Charming, she didn't know where she'd go. She knew if Mikael found her in Charming it'd be too late. She wouldn't be able to run. She'd be dead...


A/N: I hope you liked this chapter. Sorry for never actually updating this story after posting the first chapter. I had so many ideas and they all disappeared from my mind as soon as I went to write more chapters. I plan to write more now, so please bear with me here. It might take some time between each update, but not years, I promise. You guys will not have to wait as long as you did this time.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

Love, A Vampire's Greatest Weakness (SOA/TVD/TO Crossover)*discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now