Chapter Eleven

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        Brooklyn had thought about what Lyla had asked, but she was still having a hard time thinking about the truth

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        Brooklyn had thought about what Lyla had asked, but she was still having a hard time thinking about the truth. Sighing, the girl quickly dressed and headed towards her car to pick up Piper. When she arrived, she went straight to the door and knocked. Piper opened the door and hugged the hybrid with a smile on his face.

"Hey, Brook!" He exclaimed, as she hugged him back.

"Hey, Piper. Where's your mum?" Brooklyn asked, when Piper let her go.

"In the kitchen. She's getting me some juice." He replied, and she nodded.

     Piper let the girl inside, before he led her to where his mother was located. When Lyla seen Brooklyn, she smiled at her friend and set down the cup of juice.

"So, how was your night?" Lyla asked, causing the hybrid to shrug.

"Nothing special. There was a lot of drinking, loud music, hands-y men, and under dressed women. Jax and I hung out and we talked a bit. He introduced me to his friend Opie and a couple of others." Brooklyn replied, as Piper grabbed his juice.

"Go put on your shoes, Piper. You and Brook will be leaving in a minute." Lyla said, and the boy nodded.

     Piper quickly ran out of the room to get his shoes on, since he was excited for his ice cream. He really liked the arrangement of getting ice cream once a week with Brooklyn, since she was so nice and allowed him to have whatever he wanted on his ice cream.

"So, did you and Jax talk about anything?" Lyla asked, hinting at more than just hanging out.

"No, but we went to see his mother first. Gemma is crazy, Lyla. She was practically telling Jax that she wanted him and I together, so she didn't want him sleeping with anyone at the party or after the party." Brooklyn informed, causing Lyla's eyes to go wide.

"Are you for real?" Lyla asked, and Brooklyn nodded.

"She was totally serious, and I was a little grossed out, but I knew Jax and Gemma didn't want me leaving and letting them talk alone. Apparently it was a discussion for all three of us." Brooklyn said, making Lyla shake her head with a laugh.

        Soon, Piper came into the room with his shoes on. Brooklyn said goodbye to Lyla, before she brought Piper out to her car. While she was waiting at a red light, Jax pulled up beside her.

"Hey, Brook. What's up?" He asked, waiting for the red light to turn green.

"Taking Piper for his weekly ice cream. I've been doing it for the last two weeks. I've turned it into a tradition, I guess." The girl replied, causing Jax to look into her car and wave at Piper.

"Opie's old lady is at his place. Ya know, she'd probably let you bring her kids too if you wanted." Jax commented, and Brooklyn hummed.

"Really? I thought Opie said she wasn't fond of anyone who knew the club?" Brooklyn murmured, but the guy smirked.

"I have my ways. Follow me and I'll bring you to get the kids." Jax said, and the girl nodded.

     When the light turned green, Jax led the girl to Opie's house, though she already knew where he lived. She had to pretend that she didn't know, since she supposedly didn't know anyone around town. When they pulled into the driveway, Opie and Donna were already outside by Opie's truck.

"Ope, Donna!" Jax greeted, as he stepped off his bike.

      Brooklyn stepped out of her car and motioned for Piper to step out as well. He was a little shy, so he stayed by Brooklyn's side the entire time.

"Donna, this is Brooklyn. She just moved here. She's a friend of Gemma and Jax." Opie said, as he smiled at Brooklyn.

"Nice to meet you, Donna. Opie has told me so many great things about you." Brooklyn commented, though she lied through her teeth.

"Nice to meet you too, Brooklyn." Donna replied, though she seemed hesitant to be talking to Brooklyn.

     Honestly, Donna was hesitant about any woman affiliated with the club, since the club was the worst influence on her husband she believed.

"Brook was bringing Piper out for ice cream, and she was wondering if you two would be fine with her treating your kids to ice cream, too." Jax said, as he glanced between Opie and Donna.

"I bring him for ice cream once a week, on Saturday, if his mother says he's been good all week. I can do that with your kids as well, and if you ever need to find me, I live right there." Brooklyn added, pointing towards the house she was currently living in.

"I don't know..." Donna trailed off, but Opie turned towards her.

"C'mon, Donna. It would be a great for the kids, and it'll give you a little bit of time to yourself." Opie commented, causing Donna to sigh.

"Alright, fine, but I'm giving you money." Donna said, but Brooklyn quickly shook her head.

"No, I've got it covered. You could say I'm quite well off when it comes to money." Brooklyn replied, causing Donna to nod warily.

      Donna walked into her house and called for her kids. She had them get ready, but she gave them her number, since she didn't want them to be stuck with Brooklyn incase they felt unsafe. She wasn't sure about the woman just yet, so she needed to be sure and send them with her number.

"Are you sure you have the money covered?" Opie asked, while his kids and Piper climbed into Brooklyn's car.

"Of course, I'm sure, Opie. Here," She began, handing Opie a hundred dollars,"treat Donna to lunch while we're out. Keep the change, maybe buy yourself whatever you want at the store or something." She said, and Donna smiled shyly.

       Donna wondered if Brooklyn really was that bad. She seemed sweet, and she wasn't very rude to Donna or the kids. Maybe not everyone surrounded by the club was bad...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. I wasn't sure when I was going to update next, but here's an update!

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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