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James wakes up to Regulus already awake. However, what surprises the older of the two is that for whatever reason, Regulus hasn't wriggled free from his grip. He is simply laying, silently, staring at the wall.

"Good mornin'," James says softly.

Regulus looks up to him with half lidded eyes. "'re still here?" It's a question that could potentially be mistaken for a statement.

James sighs. "I'm still here, mate, I'm still here," He repeats softly.

"I know," Regulus pauses. "It just wouldn't be the first time I'd have to wake up to you gone, now would it?"

James can't tell if it's a joke and he doesn't have the time to either as Regulus' face seems to twist with something. James bites Hus lip, unsure if what he's about to say will insult Regulus or not.

"Hey, you don't look so good right now-" James doesn't even get all of the words out before Regulus is breaking free from his arms and darting down the hall to the upstairs bathroom. 

James feels his heart stiffen, if one could possibly feel that. Morning sickness. He had read Regulus' segment on that last night. The journal, he's glanced down to check, is still on the floor and James debates picking it up and reading it all now that he's more awake. Eventually, he shakes his head and crawls out of the bed.

Regulus is more important right now, he decides as he creeps down the hall, the sounds of retching and gagging make his ears ring. James gently pushes open the bathroom door and cautiously peeps his head inside. Regulus is clinging to the toilet bowl, his hair is disheveled and his cheeks flushed.

What breaks something in James, though, isn't the sounds of retchin. Instead, it is the small choked sobs that seem to come with it. "Reg," James is by his side in seconds, gently rubbing his back; trying desperately to coax the sickness from him. The sickness his child was causing Regulus.

Regulus heaves, gasping for air as tears trickle down his face. He sobs harder. "I....I don't want to be sick," He whispers hoarsely. "I hate throwing up," His voice is small and teary.

James feels a thick pool of guilt form within his belly as he pulls Regulus in between his spread legs. "I know, I know," He soothes. "S'just the sprog," He says softly. "It'll stop after a little while, y'know, give it a few weeks...s'all the baby needs," He whispers softly as Regulus' sobs of frustration are reduced to hiccups.

They stay like this for a few minutes, James whispering sweet words of nothing as Regulus is slumped within his arms and between his legs; hiccuping as tears drizzle from his eyes. "The baby," He whispers. "Oh, God, we're having a baby....."

James gently rubs a hand down his shoulder, breathing heavily, hoping to avoid saying the wrong thing before, "C'mon, if you're done puking your guts up; let's go talk. Do you feel up for something?"

Regulus shakes his head quickly. The idea of eating any sort of food right now makes him want to put his head back into the toilet. "No...please, no food,"

James chuckles softly as he helps Regulus to his feet. "Okay, okay, mate. Tea?"


Regulus goes to refreshen himself up and wash his teeth while James trails downstairs. He meets Manon in the kitchen and she greets him with a meow. James scratches the awaiting head of the charcoal cat with a sigh.

"Oh Manon, what am I gonna do, eh?"

James begins pottering around the kitchen with a low whistle as he does so, humming to himself to the beat of a Prince song. He pours the tea into two mugs and seats himself down at the table.

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