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James decides that he won't tour until Regulus' twelfth week and Regulus realizes it's already beginning. Despite having agreed to go on tour along side the quartet and Mary, of course; Regulus finds James is already hesitant to leave.

With a sigh, Regulus buttons up his black denim jacket; his Beatles pins rattling along side his David Bowie one. He had told James he would meet him at the hospital, hoping to avoid the taller man for just a few moments of peace.

It isn't that Regulus minds James' company, per say, he actually quite likes to listen to James read his work, or strum his raven colored guitar while Manon meows at the loud sound, Regulus just likes to be alone.

And being pregnant with James Potter's baby seems to leave no room for that luxury. James is over more often than not; usually dropping by out of the blue while Regulus is trying to get some efficient writing done. But Regulus has grown not to particularly hate this. Somehow.

He is just reaching his twelfth week, his nausea remains mildly persistent. Regulus finds he is slightly unnerved about James seeing their baby, thoughts had rampaged through his head all the night before, such as; what if he thinks they're too small? Or too big? What if smoking earlier in the pregnancy did have a lasting effect? What if the sprog isn't what he's expecting-

Regulus shakes his head free of these wild thoughts, opting not to think of them now.

Dropping Manon to the floor gently, she lands on her feet; she always does, Regulus picks up his keys and locks his door, stepping out onto the street to flag down a taxi. Once in the taxi, he texts James.

Leaving now. See you in a bit?

James takes no time in replying and Regulus suspects he had been awaiting a text from him.

On my way, mate, you want me to grab you a coffee? Decaf?

Regulus can't help but smile at this. Of course he wants a coffee, and of course James would remember that coffee isn't all that good for their baby, hence his offer of decaf. Smiling softly at James' thoughtfulness, Regulus types back a reply.

Decaf is fine, thanks James. I'll grab you one whenever, for treating me, eh?

Regulus hates when people purchase things for him. He absolutely loathes it. It makes him feel childlike. He doesn't like to be pampered. James knows this too, but his offer is still sweet, or at least Regulus' small smile thinks so. His phone dings as James texts back.

No problem at all, lad, don't worry 'bout it! You want anything else with it or is the sprog still turning your poor tummy?

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