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Regulus blinks.

He blinks right into the bright, fluorescent lights that he assumes have to belong to the gates of heaven because there is no other humanly possible reason as to why they are they bright.

Staring up at the ceiling as he flutters his adjusting eyes open, Regulus can vaguely hear voices mumbling, one is speaking more clearly, however. Regulus doesn't recognize this voice, though. The quieter, worrisome voice is much more familiar; it belongs to none other than his older brother. Sirius is the owner of the voice.

"I'm sorry. Fuck, I'm so sorry, I...I didn't know he hadn't eaten today.....he's....he's my baby brother, for Christ sake! I...I should have noticed and taken care of it-"

The more prevalent voice intercepts. "No. Sweetheart, you mustn't blame yourself. You're both just kids, really. It's a lot more than your brother's lack of eating today. His body's run down, his iron levels are very low," It's a woman's voice. Regulus still can not find familiarity within her soft, efficient tone.

Regulus hears Sirius sigh. "I...I just...God, he's too old for social services-" Sirius cuts himself off with a swear. "Don't...don't get them involved. I can take care of it!" He insists before, much more quietly, "I can take care of Reg,"

"Love, I just need you to sign some things for me, if you're able to," The woman utters reassuringly. "Nobody else is getting involved. I just need a next of kin for this, yes? You can be the next of kin, if that's okay with you,"

"Yes," Sirius breaths. "Yes, fuck, of course I'll be his next of kin. What do I sign?" He asks.

Regulus can hear the brief shuffling and crinkling of papers before Sirius hums to himself. "Oh...that it?" He inquires.

"Yup. Regulus is twenty three, he isn't a child, I'm sure he's more than able to look after himself? Yes? The forgotten appetite aside? Hhm?" The lady's voice chirps softly.

Sirius must have shrugged because the woman proceeds. "Great, okay. Regulus should be discharged by this evening, he might just need to sleep for a little, maybe I'll even throw in some nausea tablets. Whatever he needs, just ask! Feel free to grab a coffee and get some air, maybe take a walk," The woman suggests kindly. "I know places like this can be stuffy and gloomy, maybe your band of mates would like to go to the café here with you?"

Sirius hums. "Erm, I'll just wait for Reg to wake up fully first before I go wandering off, if that's alright, that is?" The woman mist have nodded at him because Sirius adds, "Okay! Cool, thank you,"

"Take care, mister Black! I'll be back to check on things in a bit. When he wakes, just make sure Regulus has a bit of water to drink, yeah? He'll need to be hydrated, he was also veery dehydrated earlier. I've left a few bottles of water beside his bed,"

"Cool, cool, thanks," Sirius answers before the door opens and closes again. Sirius approaches Regulus' bed and seems to slump down intoi a chair that Regulus assumes must be located near his bed, if the creaking sound is to answer for anything.

"At least the baby's okay, you're okay too, eh?" Sirius sighs. "Good thing, that is. I don't know what I'd do with myself if something happened to you, star boy, you're all I've got,"

Regulus knows this isn't true. Sirius has Remus, he has anything he could ever want with James as a friend, Peter and his jokes, Mary and her endless desire to paint his porcelain face with makeup. He has Dorcas and her muffins and books and funny little witty jokes, Regulus is even sure Sirius and Marlene run some sort of annual homosexual get together between Dorcas, Marlene, Remus and himself. He has Lily and her evergreen, lovingly soft heart.

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