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Regulus Black doesn't cry often.

In fact, he hates to cry; he loathes it with every fibre of his entire existence.

However, Regulus decides to put it down to his mixed emotions towards James as of now and the mere fact that James' baby is resting inside of him, but he cries when he overhears James mention to Mary that he was considering getting a drink with Dan.

An alcoholic drink that Regulus is especially jealous of considering James is half of the reason he can not have an alcoholic beverage right now.

And so, he's weeping rather uglily, moderately quietly, on his hotel bed before he has to begin to shove all of his belongings into his suitcase and head to their next stop; Cheshire.

They aren't leaving for a few days, but Regulus feels like he may want to pack early. Just a gut feeling, really.

There's still a few days for James to fall direly in love with Dan. Dan Regal, Regulus had discovered his full name is, is the perfect kind of name you'd want to pair with the perfect kind of person James is. Daniel Regal, red headed, smiley, a little bit older tham James and over all just cool.

Because Regulus will give him that. He's cool and funny and he likes ABBA and can most definitely sing all parts of SOS.

Dan is cool and that is why Regulus finds he can't even hate him. He doesn't even know why he would hate Dan, James likes him and so be it. James can like whoever he finds himself drawn to.

Regulus brings his head up from his now rather damp pillow and sighs heavily, his chest heaving with him. He isn't sure why exactly he is so upset, James can do whatever he likes.

But he hasn't told Regulus.

He's told Mary and Regulus isn't sure who else had managed to eavesdrop on the conversation, but he knows for certain that he was never informed and for some silly reason; it hurts him.

Regulus doesn't like to be hurt.

Nobody does, really.

But as a writer, Regulus feels he doesn't need the material. The pain he is caused eventually becomes a dull, grim poem that only reminds him of how sad he once was when the piece of writing had been created. He feels it is his duty as a writer to use his emotions for creativity, but yet he remains so emotionally void towards the people who matter most to him.

Regulus sits up and slumps out of his bed. He wipes at his eyes before tossing a few jumpers into his suitcase. He sighs once more. "M'sorry mummy's such a mess," Regulus whispers sorrowfully, dropping a hand to his swelled belly. "You'll have to get familiar with that I'm afraid," He says hoarsely.

Regulus clears his throat before swiping up some of his mismatched socks into his rather full suitcase. "Mummy will probably be apologizing for that a lot," Regulus chuckles sadly. "Daddy's great though, you'll always have your dad," Regulus adds. "Daddy can actually process his feelings, maybe hell teach you how to," He mumbles.

Regulus wipes at his eyes harshly with the back of his hand as he hears footsteps approaching. James opens the door with a greetive smile.

"Packing already?" James says as soon as he enters the room, closing the door behind himself. He glances around. "God, you've nearly go everything put away. You're not pulling a runner on me, are you?" James jokes softly.

Regulus just nods, swallowing before, "No, just getting it done early," He wants to tell James he should probably pack early too, considering he might be spending a the majority of their remaining time in Manchester with his new fiery headed friend.

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