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Regulus let's James cuddle him before his gig. He some what gathers the sense it is calming James before his performance.

They spend the entire afternoon in Regulus' bed, James still in his jeans and hoodie, the curtains closed and their bodies pressed together, Regulus' back to James' chest. Regulus let's it happen. So he isn't too surprised when he feels James shift closer to him, and tucking his head on the younger man's shoulder.

"Can I...erm, can I feel?" James asks softly. "Er, y'know...your um..." He trails.

"My belly?" Regulus knows instantly what he wants. He nods before whispering back, his voice raw and slightly scratchy from lack of usage. "Go for it, lad," He utters back. He feels James' hands slowly bring themselves to his belly, the material of his pajamas top tightening around his slight bump.

Regulus can also feel James' warm, relaxed, slightly more eased breathing against his shoulder. "Do you think they'll start moving soon? The sprog?" Regulus asks quietly. Just to fill the silences. He usually loves silences, but one can not eagerly be silent when within the presence of James Potter.

James nods in response. "Course they will," He answers quickly. He rubs little half moons against Regulus' clothed belly.

They remain silent for awhile, Regulus' eyes closing, his long, dark eyelashes laying against his pale cheeks. Before James opens his mouth and mumbles, "You're alright?" It isn't exactly what james wants to know though, so he proceeds with, "I mean, we're alright, aren't we?"

Regulus hums. "Yeah," He replies. He sighs softly before, "Look, I'm sorry about that comment regarding your sexuality. I know that coming to terms with that sort of stuff isn't always easy and I'm sorry for poking fun at it just 'cause I felt like being mean in the moment, it wasn't very nice on my part, James,"

"It's okay, mate," James murmurs tiredly. "I am really sorry about what I said, though. didn't deserve to hear that. I shouldn't have brought it up, especially since you didn't know I knew. I did plan on telling you though, y'know? some stage, anyways,"

"Well, it's out in the open now, isn't it? At least?" Regulus' tone is almost playful, or at least could potentially be mistaken as playful.

James attempts a chuckle before flattening his tone. "I just......I'm sorry that happened to you," He pauses before, "I'm so sorry you has to go through that, it's.... I'm just sorry, yeah?"

"You can't be sorry that I happened to me," Regulus says softly. He let's his hand rest just over James' larger ones on his belly, his other hand occupying underneath his cheek against his side of the pillow they are sharing. "I'm sorry you have to know about it, it really isn't pretty,"

James nods slowly. He sighs. "It doesn't make you any different. You're still Reg, you'll always be Reg to me," James states firmly.

Regulus turns around to face him. "I'm also sorry I won't court you just because I'm pregnant," He says sternly.

"Regulus.......we can't have this conversation again, I mean; two days in a row, I'm not exactly looking for a winning streak here, buddy-"

Regulus shakes his head. "No, no, just let me talk, please?" He blinks up at James who quickly sighs, defeated, but nods regardless; ready to endure his defeat.

Regulus breaths in before, "I'm just...I'm not exactly very good at accepting help, or like....affection from the people around me. I just don't think I'd be good to you. You deserve someone who will be good to you, good for you." Regulus pauses. "I don't want you to feel like you have an obligation here, like a responsibility to be stuck with me just because we made a baby together,"

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