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James pulls in to the hospital parking lot with one quick swerve, no indicator in sight. Regulus makes a soft noise from the back as their son wriggles. James glances in the direction of the review mirror. "You doing alright?" He asks.

Regulus nods, yawning, but offering James a small, tired sort of smile. "I'm just a bit tired," He says weakly. Regulus takes in his son, his soft little features, all framed in by delicate littlr chubby, rosey cheeks.

He gently strokes a finger down his son's cheeks. "He looks a little bit like you," Regulus mumbles from the back seat.

James is quiet for a moment, inhaling suddenly. "He does?" He wonders aloud. Regulus nods, despite the fact that James can't see him while he drives.

James parks the car, halting it as he unstraps his seat belt and gets out of the car. He opens the door, extending his hand to Regulus, who takes it. But not before mumbling, "Pants...I...I need pants," He says bashfully.

James chuckles softly. "Doesn't bother me, nothing I haven't seen before,"

Regulus smirks. "I think you've seen enough of me to last you a lifetime," He utters, shyly. Despite this, James will vow he could never get enough of Regulus. "Here, will you take the sprog while I just...I make myself look a little bit more decent, eh?"

James nods, a small breath escaping his mouth. Decent. Even covered in sweat, cheeks rosey and flushed and damp from tears, his hair stuck to his forehead from sweat; Regulus glows. He has never looked more beautiful to James than he does right now.

"Yeah," James replies, speaking softer as soon as his son is placed in his arms. "Course," He nods. He turns away, as if to give Regulus some privacy, as if he hasn't just delivered their baby. James chuckles sweetly. "Hey there," He mumbles to the tiny baby in his arms. "Hi, baby boy,"

James turns back around to see Regulus fluffing a hand through his sweat soaked hair. "You're beautiful,"

He says it without thinking. He shouldn't be saying it at all, not after everything they've been through.

Regulus stiffens, glancing away for a minute. He shakes his head. "T-thanks," He answers softly. "I...I think I needed that," He sniffs slightly, rubbing a hand over his scrunched nose.

James offers him a stiffened kind of smile. "You're welcome," He replies.

Regulus nods curtly. "We...we should get going, baby boy's going to freeze out here," He states the obvious. They feel so much more awkward than they had ever been, even worse than when James had only known Regulus as Sirius' baby brother and nothing more. "Can....can I just have a hug first?" He asks so quietly James almost misses it. "Please?"

James blinks before nodding. "Y-yeah, c'mere to me then, love," He utters, his breath a foggy mist in the cold November evening. He slowly wraps his arm around Regulus, their child in his other arm. James doesn't miss the way Regulus trembles for a second, sniffling as he tucks his head against James' shoulder. James rubs the younger man's shaking shoulder. "You're alright, s'alright," He reminds softly. "You're just a little overwhelmed, you're alright,"

Regulus nods before pulling his head away. "Thank you for doing all that. I'm...I'm sorry it happened like this,"

James shakes his head. "It doesn't matter how it happened. It happened, he's here, you're both safe. You did it, Reg, m'so proud," He hesitantly pecks Regulus' forehead before wrapping an arm around his waist and helping them both trudge towards the hospital doors.

Once inside, James alerts a nearby nurse. " boyfriend just had our baby boy in the back of my car. Uh, I delivered him, he seems fine, but, y'know, just....erm-" James stumbles. He cuts himself off when a voice interrupts him.

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