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The sudden clarity in his head leaves him stunned, as if he had just awakened from a deep sleep confusion engulfs him, still feeling slightly in a daze. What?

As he looks around him, Technoblade can determine that he has lived in that cave for a while, seeing how it is plainly acclimatized as a haven, to say the least. A few supplies here and there, a bed in the corner, chests and furnaces side by side. This has definitely been his base for some not very long period.

Shaken by disorientation and uncertainty, Technoblade looks down at the young creature in his arms. He doesn't expect to be more surprised, he doesn't think it is possible, but when he scans its small face in the dark, he finds features previously seen in other faces, and the soft chirping, mixed with the accent of an already known creature, further fuel his confusion. That baby has the eyes and the voice of an enderman. Although the two halves of its face don't match; on the right the dark, characteristic skin of an enderman, and on the left the pale, almost white skin of some other being.

It's very young, its eyelids barely open to see among the darkness without problem, breathing peacefully in Technoblade's arms. On the right, emerald green shines in its eye, and on the left a fiery crimson colour make together a look that gazes unfocused at him. It doesn't seem to be more than a few days old. Two, three?

Oh hell, what is he doing in a cave with such a young enderman offspring in his arms? Had he found it somewhere? Had he stolen it?

A chill shakes him. What the hell is going on?

Technoblade stands up, heading towards the bed and awkwardly placing the child on the sheets, starting to pace back and forth with his mind racing. There are no memories, as if there had never been anything before this moment. Distant memories of years gone by, so blurred that they hardly seem his are the only thing that invades his head when he tries to remember. The cave appears to be molded for him and the child to inhabit, extra sheets and cloth diapers in the chests, milk bottles and other objects lie ready for use. Had he been preparing to take care of that child? Where had it come from then?!

Feeling frustrated and lost he stops short. And now that?

His job is to be a warrior, a hunter, a traveler, go from village to village receiving work as a result of his fighting skills, blood on his hands every time he stretches them out to collect his remuneration, where did an enderman youngling come from among all that? And what is he going to do now?

His eyes go to the cooing bundle on the sheets. All that without mentioning that Technoblade himself must hide his identity. As a piglin hybrid his appearance is usually enough to go relatively unnoticed, looking more human than pig, despite his unusually tall figure, long pointed ears, prominent snout and the tusks protruding from his lower jaw, but that doesn't stop him from trying to be discreet with his identity, hiding under cloaks when suspicious stares focus too much on him. He is lucky that the villagers seem to be blind as well as stupid. But what is he supposed to do with that small creature of bright and mismatched eyes?

There is a simple solution. Leave it where it is and resume the routine of roaming the world for a living. It's a simple solution, he doesn't even know where it came from in the first place, what's stopping him from leaving it where it is? Maybe someone will find it, maybe one of its own kind and voilà, problem solved.

The resolve is welcomed immediately. Where did that uncharacteristic faltering even come from? He is a hunter, not a childminder. He does not have to worry about a youngling of unknown origin, that's not even part of his own species. How stupid, he thinks starting to pack the things that he finds useful in the chests, looking sideways at the milk bottles. "If someone finds it they will even have a way to feed it, also thanks to me, apparently."

He stands up, scanning the cave and then glancing at the child on the bed. And he walks towards the exit of the grotto, feeling an uneasiness rise in his body, something that gnaws at his consciousness as the light intensifies. He knows that what he is doing could be a death sentence for that creature. But that's life, he thinks to himself. Technoblade himself has to seek out for his own sustenance among sharp sword blows and precise bow shots, that baby would be nothing but a hindrance in his path, if he ever had anything to do with it in the first place.

"Good luck, kid." He mutters without looking back, his boots crushing the first blades of grass that lead into the cave.

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