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kid's been cruising through life without a name for too long now, don'tcha think?


The kid is nowhere to be found.

The long hair is slightly tousled in exasperation, as the heavy echo of his hooves echoes over the wooden corridors that connect the rooms. The piece of cloth that was holding his hair locks falls to the ground, and in his distraction, Technoblade doesn't notice.

Yes, he left his door open, he admits it; but in his defense he didn't think the damn brat was going to use the opportunity to run away. Techno already knows that the child can (somehow) climb out of the crib, but he did not expect him to do so during the few minutes it took him to go outside and fetch a couple of logs.

Oh hell, what if he crawled out the front door when the hybrid wasn't looking?

Technoblade doesn't want to run around the house, calling and searching anxiously like a desperate mother... if someone saw him now, worrying about the elusive child that isn't even his... he wouldn't know how to explain the situation.

"Phil!... Philza!" To make matters worse, Philza also seems to have disappeared. No one in the house attends his calls. Has everyone vanished? (To be honest, he doesn't expect Wilbur to respond to him, or his kit or the lamb, but some sign of life would be nice enough at least.)

Technoblade now has some regrets about not giving the creature a name. It would probably be easier to find him if he could yell something that the boy would attend to.

Techno huffs, trying to think what to do.

Why do you care so much? Kid's not even yours.

A voice in his head snickers. Technoblade is a bit taken back by it, looking around and then feeling stupid for having done so. No one's there. Of course. It doesn't even sound like any of them, how stupid can he be?


In the distance, Techno manages to hear something. A small voice and some movement coming from behind a door. Now that he's finally quiet and isn't filling the house with the echo of his footsteps he's able to hear what's going on. How did he not think of that before?

Technoblade walks up to the door, stopping to confirm that the sounds are coming from behind it. Once he does, the piglin grabs the metal knob and quietly peers into the room.

Sitting in the center of the room, staring at something in the lamb's hands, both kids are sitting looking quite amused by whatever they are looking at. Oh yeah, there are also stains of colorful dyes all over the floor and on the faces and clothes of both.

"Hey!" Technoblade exclaims, startling the young hybrids and drawing their attention to him. The lamb looks understandably terrified and the enderling just looks at him with wide eyes. "What the hell did you do here?"

With those words Techno enters the room, walking towards the two children. With the first step beyond the frame, the lamb looks ready to sprint away, and by the time Technoblade leans in with the idea of ​​taking the enderling and inspecting the mess, the piglin can hear the older kid whisper something in the direction of the enderman halfling.

"Run, Ranboo." He exclaims before getting up and sprinting right past Technoblade.

Techno looks confusedly in the direction of escape from the little ram (whose name he has yet to learn) and then at the enderman, whom he holds at arm's length to avoid staining his own clothes as well. The green and red eyes shine in the bicolor face, decorated with yellow, red and brown stains and smudges. The child's clothes are probably a lost cause. The colorful patches tinting his already colorful clothes don't do the simple fabric design any favors.

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