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Technoblade is not sure... what is going on.

An intense anxiety, a strange fear that tightens his chest and barely allows him to breathe fills his body constantly. The feeling that someone (not the enderling) is watching him at all times. His surroundings, a jumble of colors and shapes, that he can't make out half the time.


Technoblade has no idea how long he's been like this. At some point, not long after he locked them both in this room, Philza's presence made itself known from the other side of the locked door. Knocking a couple of times and calling out to him in concern, his attempts to interact ceased (quite quickly) as the hybrid lost patience, hating the drumming of knocking against the wood and the murmur of his voice behind it. There was already enough noise inside his head for the man to want to overwhelm him with his own presence.

"Go away!" He barked fiercely, slamming his closed fists against the door itself. He could hear a squeak come from behind, from wherever the kid was. "Leave me alone."

He could hear how Philza hurried away, the hesitant footsteps easily heard with the silence that followed his outburst. There would be more times that the man (and even once or twice his son) approached the door for the reason of wanting to interact, it seemed (although, to be fair, Wilbur seems more interested in talking about the young and "confirming that he is okay". Stupid crow, of course he is, why shouldn't he be?) They were all rejected, none quite as violently as the first, but the severely unwelcoming tone should have been more than enough each time. For some reason they keep insisting.

Or maybe he has already begun to imagine they do.

All the time there is someone talking. Laughing, shouting, crying or mumbling intensely, his mind has no rest. Although he should point out, the constant monologue in his head consists mostly of someone asking, begging for help. The same voice that replaced his in that strange scene. A soft chime that has been haunting him for months now, in the back of his head. Begging him for help.

Sometimes it's easier to ignore it, and sometimes he feels surrounded by unseen presences trying to drive him crazy. Technoblade wonders if maybe they were present all along, and before he just did a better job of isolating them.

The kid is there. He can see him crawl from one corner of the room to the other, and try to climb on the chair, the bed, and when he finds him on the floor, in Technoblade's lap (an action that is quickly rejected and discouraged each time).

He can hear his voice, making sounds every now and then (Technoblade doesn't want to think too much if half the time it's really the enderman, or just another figment of his imagination). He should be feeding him, that thought flashes through his mind, and he realizes that he should be feeding himself, too. Philza and Wilbur have arrived several times at his door, evidently with food behind it, the aroma easily reaching him from the kitchen. Philza, especially asking him (not too insistently, but pleadingly and gradually more urgently) to accept the food and let both hybrids eat.

He will not open that door. He will not accept anything from them. He's made that very clear already.

But I need to feed him.

Be useful!

What kind of parent allows his own child to starve? You're awful.

An involuntary grimace twists his face.

This is so painful to watch.

Hey, listen to the voices of reason for once! Go eat a sandwich and feed the poor kid right now!

(Technoblade knows that's his own internal monologue. Perhaps with one exception.)

The kid, however, doesn't seem too upset... or too hungry, either. He just spends the day entertaining himself with whatever his little hands can reach, exploring the room from the floor, trying to get the piglin to accept him in his lap, or just sleeping. He doesn't seem to be fussing much about the lack of feeding Technoblade's been performing lately.

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