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When Techno wakes up in the morning, he has completely forgotten what he saw last night. The memories begin to creep in, confusing him at not knowing if it was all a dream or if he really saw what he saw last night.

With the hunger urging him to get up, and seeing that the enderling next to the bed is already awake, the hybrid gets up from the mattress and repeats the already automatic routine of taking the baby out of the crib and walking with him to the table, where winged father and son are already waiting for him to share breakfast time.

Everything seems normal with them, the most unusual thing being that Wilbur is not already finishing his breakfast, apparently having fallen behind in his routine, seeing how his father's plate is the one that is already empty, as opposed to already finishing his food by the time Technoblade reaches the table. From what he can see the blond avian woke up even earlier this morning. (And again, the hat is on his head. Seeing him without it seemed quite unreal. It was probably a dream.)

The piglin greets as usual, receiving responses immediately, from a cheerful and awake Philza and a Wilbur with his mouth full, earning him a scolding from his father. In front of the hybrid's chair are two plates and two cups, something he does not recall seeing before. Philza replies before Techno can ask.

"I prepared something special for the little one." He exclaims, presenting the plate when the piglin sits next to him. A few slices of bread stacked in pairs, as far as he can see, with something peeking out between them. "I made jam from the leftover chorus fruit and used it for sandwiches. Since he seemed to like End fruit so much."

Technoblade stares at the food he now knows is not for him, but for the enderman on his lap. Philza gets up from the table, taking his empty plate with him and returns to his chair with a spoon full of something that looks like purple slime. "Do you want to try it?"

The piglin raises an eyebrow at the offer, looking at the man with obvious doubt. "Won't it make me bounce around the room?"

He unconsciously shifts the baby on his lap, remembering the time he ate that fruit and ended up on the other side of the room.

"You know," Technoblade continues, gesturing with one hand to represent teleportation. "Poof?"

"No, don't worry. Boiled, cooked and so on, it loses that property." Phil explains, offering him the spoon. The little halfling immediately tries to reach for it, but Technoblade moves faster and takes it from Philza. Techno examines the full golden spoon for a few seconds, shrugs and proceeds to put the utensil in his mouth.

Somewhat sweet.

And very sour!

Before he can help it, his face twists into a grimace from the acidity of the thing he just ate.

"Techno?" Philza's voice sounds concerned, and Technoblade must compose himself quickly to avoid further humiliation and not to cause worry in the avian. He presses his eyes lightly before looking back at Phil.

"It's sour." He explains simply, turning the spoon back to Philza and looking down at the child on his lap, who is now reaching for the food on the plate in front of them. "Do you actually like that?"

The blond man laughs softly, putting the empty spoon aside and looking at Technoblade as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't dare to do so. Behind them, Wilbur seems to have finally finished with his breakfast, silent throughout the process. Philza follows his son with his gaze as he walks to the kitchen, mindlessly playing with his fingers as he alternates his gaze between the two hybrids.

"Um... Techno, do you think I could...?" Phil extends both hands towards the young. It takes Technoblade a few seconds to figure out what he is referring to. His first reaction is confusion, unsure whether he understands the implicit request. His outstretched hands towards the enderling are a pretty clear sign. His second reaction is uncertainty and seeing how Phil seems to regret having asked, starting to retract his arms, Techno finally responds to the man with wings. "Sorry I-"

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